Chapter 4 - First Day

Start from the beginning

"Miss Face, please don't cause a scene again." Oswald whined.

"A-again?" Chris asked as he hid behind Oswald, scared of what was going to happen next.

The Face pulled her knife out of its holster, and she charged towards The Sleepless in nothing less than blinding rage. "I'm going to fucking kill you!!" She shouted at him. He quickly turned around to see the angry girl charging towards him with her hunting knife tightly grasped in her right hand. He gulped in fear before he quickly put the plate of waffles on a nearby table and unsheathed his own knife in self defense.

"What did I do!?" He asked as he blocked an incoming attack with his blade.

"You took all the waffles again!! You know how much we all love them!!!" The Face shouted.

"I never get to have them!! This is only the second time I've ever taken all of them! I like the waffles too, Face!" Danny shouted as he swung his knife at her, which she blocked with her own blade.

The two shouted at each other over waffles and continued to attack each other with knives before Oswald had to step in and stop the both of them. The two growled at each other before Danny put his ear plugs in, grabbed his plate of waffles, and moon-walked away, smirking at Face while he did so, leaving her in anger.

"I'm going to KILL him!!" She shouted as she pulled her headphones out from around her neck and placed them over her ears that were already covered by her red hood. She then turned her attention towards Chris, who was still hiding behind Oswald, before faking a lunge towards him, causing him to flinche. "If only you hadn't kept me waiting this morning...!" She growled at him before storming off without breakfast.

"S-she really likes waffles huh?" Chris asked.

"Everyone here does, not to toot my own horn or anything, but I'm actually the one to make them." Oswald said.

"Wait really? You made them?"

"I like to cook." Oswald smiled. "Anyways, class will be starting soon. I'd grab some breakfast if I were you, you've only got about 40 minutes of breakfast until class starts."

"Speaking of, what is 'class' exactly?" Chris asked.

"You guys need a way to vent your anger somehow. The rehab is meant to help you get better, class is where you go to vent your anger and rage by killing dummies instead of real people. For today only, I'll let you sit out and just observe. You'll understand once you see it, so grab some breakfast and dig in." Oswald said before he walked away, leaving Chris behind.

Chris didn't know exactly what to do. He was all alone in a room with serial killers. There weren't that many present though, a few like The Face and Danny have already left the room, but he at least managed to recognize Sebastian, someone he at the very least knew. He decided to walk over to his table, before realizing he was with a girl, and from the way they were looking at each other, he decided not to be a third wheel.

He then saw a girl sitting by herself, clearly being avoided by everyone else at the rehab. Part of him wanted to stay away from her, she was a serial killer after all, but part of Chris told him to go over and talk to her. As he approached her, he thought the jacket she wore looked familiar. He could've sworn he'd seen it somewhere before, it was a dark green torn up jacket, like something your stereotypical slasher movie villain would wear. Through the tears, he noticed a red and black striped sweater underneath, something another slasher villain would wear.

He realized the jacket the girl was wearing belonged to Jason Vorhees, the slasher from Friday the 13th and the sweater she wore underneath belonged to Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street. He knows because of the countless times he was forced to watch a horror movie with his girlfriend.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2020 ⏰

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