Chapter 8: Stoned stars and Doubtful professionals part 2

Start from the beginning

"Course...but Vegas is a long way from Hollywood". Seb informed.

"It is..That's why some of my bodyguards are waiting by my jet for y'all. You already know how it is". Cavern said.

"Of course..I'll face time you when we land". Seb motioned for Chris to cut the call.

"Chet looking sharp". Seb shook him."Russo. How its going".

They were now situated in Cavern's very lavish private jet. It had seven seats. Each seat held a person or their luggage.

Allison had long gone to sleep. Leaving Chris to interact with Seb's friends. He wasn't antisocial or anything. Its just that at times he didn't want human interaction.

"You're married". Chris blurted when he glanced at Russo's ring. He immediately cringed after the words left his mouth.

"Oh yeah....i have two kids—also". Russo awkwardly answered.

Chet and Seb seemed so enraptured in their conversation that they did not notice the awkward air between Chris and Russo but Seb would at times glance at Chris.

"I love kids". Chris lit up."How old are they—are they both girls or boys or a girl and boy".

"Slow down". He chuckled."They're both boys Ryan and Gerald. They're huge fans of Chad kane".

"Seriously....but that movie was back in the day i was in my early twenties".Chris asked as shock overtook his tone.

Russo smiled." Its a fucking classic and my kids are suckers for action movies".

"Mommy". Aaron squealed. Leon stood stone faced as he watched them interact.

"Ron..don't stress your mother okay".

"its only an hour daddy". He stated as strands from his dark locks caressed his brown skin.

He looked like the exact mix of both his parents. Her browner skin and his looser hair.

"How was your dance recital buddy". Loire asked as she fastened her seatbelt.

"You would know if you were there". He sulked.

She drove out of the neighbour hood. "I really wanted to be there but i got trapped in the elevator with this guy called leslie—oh my god i forgot about Leslie".

"Change of plans Ronni. I'm picking up aunty mia first okay".

She passed two more neighborhoods before she reached Mia's house.

A raging hazel eyed brunette was seen arguing with a wavy haired Rolfie.

"Who's that crazy bi—r...dd..yeah bird, Crazy bird". Loire stuttered as her son looked at her.

"Mommy do you mean bitch". He asked curiously.

She swerved as he cursed."Its a bad word Ronni a really bad word...where did, you hear the word".

"In school and home...It means a female dog—and daddy calls his friend girl it a lot....they then argue then kiss". Aaron narrated. It was cute because of his tiny voice.

"Don't say the word again okay?".

"Okay mo—". Aaron started but is cut off.

"Oh my God is that Mia?". Loire unintentionally cuts of Aaron as she squinted at the brunette yelling at Rolfie.

Rolfie on sighting Loire's driving plate waved madly."Help". He screamed.

She drove closer to assess the situation. "Oh my god it is mia".

"Mia over here". Loire smoothly stopped the car.

"Oh hey". Mia waved turning her attention to Loire."you weren't meant to pick me up till later".

"I know......but i thought this would be easier for you and—i with a guy". Loire explained."also it'd be better than arguing with Rolfie....we could literally hear you guys a mile away and for some reason you were shouting i have hazel eyes".

"Well". Mia opened her mouth as her eyes wandered looking for an excuse. Her neatly manicured nails pointed in the air."i wanted some bread sticks so i stopped by here to buy some and i forgot that 'he'". She emphasised on the 'he'."worked i was eating the bread sticks Vivian asked me how my week had been—".

"Sorry could you get to like the important part i need to spend the hour with Aaron". Loire impatiently tapped the steering wheel.

" i told her i had been listening to some hazel eyed Subliminals and Rolfie shitted on it". Mia pouted.

Rolfie came up to the window fuming."they don't work mia".

She got into the front seat angrily."and how would you know. I mean you're just a bread maker. I went to med school so obviously i should know".

"You always use the fact you're a doctor to shit on my things....we all know you went to med just use your so called achievement to excuse the fact that you're a horrible human being and an insecure one". He yelled.

"At least I'm not a poor horrible person i rather be rich and horrible i don't want your baker germs on me". Mia buckled her seat belt. "Lets go Loire. Poverty stinks here".

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