Chapter 4: Barely risen stars and incomprehensive proffessionals

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Now out of the elevator Loire got Seraphine to connect with all the missed clients sending little gift baskets for their inconvenience.

Chris held one in his hand as he eyed it with disinterest. The more time wasted the more time the paparazzi bashes his image.

He already lost more than half his following on social media causing him to delete his account.

A celebrity without a large following isn't a celebrity at all.

"Mr. Hart." Loire called out.

"You're late again." He stated."no elevators today I hope". He chuckled to himself.

Loire took a seat at the table outside the cute restaurant.

Are you always this douche baggy? She wanted to say but held herself. He was a client after all.

She instead ignored him."Before I take this case...i want to be sure of something..did you molest the girl?"

His nonchalant gaze dropped."No she is a fucking liar".

"This case is conflicting with my morals...i do not aid rapists...but i also do not judge people until I'm sure...To my office then". A sigh broke out of her painted lips. "But find a better cover. This won't do". She gestured to his baseball cap and glasses.

Following into the car, Chris was surprised to see its impeccable interior.

"I'm either mysophobic or suffering from OCD. Do not stain my car." Loire's voice was clear as she spoke, her tawny hands gripping the steering wheel as she stopped at a red light.

"I foresaw the use of a disguise so i stocked up on some stuff on my way here".

Chris picked up an auburn long wig awkwardly placing it on his head. "My hair hasn't been this long since I was in that trojan movie". He quipped to lighten the somewhat awkward atmosphere.

In return Loire focused on the road, cold and stone faced.

"It was a joke, you're supposed to laugh." He stated while wearing an ugly green sweater that caused an irritating itch.

"Ha!“. She drawled out with little humour in her tone. She sounded like a strangled cat coughing out a hairball to be exact.

"That doesn't make me feel better". He said. Putting on loose and slightly over sized jeans.

"How do you know my size?...and more importantly what's with all this costumes". He asked as he adjusted the white tattered sneakers on his feet.

"Your agent supplied all of this....Only my boss, the heads of the firm, your people and myself of course are aware you are my client. To everyone else you are Kenneth Robetson....So the moment you step foot in that firm you are Kenneth. Also a private inspector has been hired to aid the case." She said handing him a a pillow with her unoccupied left hand.

"It's to give you the look of a gut belly." She said.

His quirked his left brow. "And you have this why?" He questioned.

"Well apart from sleeping when I'm hiding from some clients. I sometimes stuff it in my shirt to resemble a pregnant lady so I don't get hit on". She smoothly turned the steering left.

"You get hit on a lot I presume". He added. The thick dark square glasses slapped on his face was almost comical.

"I am a foreign woman with a foreign accent. That screams exotic."


"How long till we get there?" He asked again.

"Soon. Just shut up till then okay."

"My belly looks big enough but my biceps still look movie star material".

"Not my business". She murmured.

Later on they arrived at the overtly flashy building.

He trudged akwardly due to the pillow stuffed in his shirt, Glancing at one of the mirrors he was suprised to see how different he looked. The oversized shirt experty hid his muscles and accentuated the belly pillow loire expertly readjusted.

The only people that paid him mind were the few employees who discreetly laughed.

Now seated in her office. He fidgeted nervously as she conversed with his manager on her phone.

He picked up a picture frame that laid flat on the desk away from him. On the frame he saw a dark tawny boy with a very straight nose and extremely curly hair, his brown eyes shining happily.

"Who's this?"

"My son." She replied tersely. "Why don't we get this case started?" She stated rather than asked.

"Alright what do you want to know". He asked

" Everything".

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