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So this is going to be a Bakugo x my oc. Here is her info cuz yeaaaa.

Name: Emiko Shiroma

Birthday: Doesn't really matter but let's say it's some time during spring

Quirk: Possible
The quirk possible allows its user to make anything to the normal and quirkless human impossible, possible. This can include altering somebodies appearance and/or memories, objects, and the user themself. The user can also create objects and produce energy and the other elements. If you can think of it Emiko can do it. Of course, the more unreal things she does the more of an impact and energy it drains from her. The drawbacks of this quirk is that if used for a large amount of time the user experiences major migraines, dizziness, and a fatigued body. (all three only occur when quirk is pushed to its very limit).

Warning: This story will include themes such as suicide/ suicide attempts, depression, self harm, anxiety, rape, and abuse. If you aren't comfortable with any of those don't read. I won't put warnings in the chapters that contain such, so again, don't read if you aren't comfortable.

Please correct any grammatical or spelling errors if you see any. Writing on a phone is hard ( ̄ー ̄;

Okay so I don't really have a big plan for this book but I know I'll be going along the main story arks such as the USJ Attack, Sports Festival, etc, along with my own small occurrences. I hope you enjoy it!!!!

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