Grenades don't belong in the fridge

Start from the beginning

“Sorry! I didn’t know you were in the room” Peter scratched behind his ear. His eyes following the spider bot that scanned May for potential health risks.

“That aside. I thought I should wish you luck before you head off.” Aunt may grinned. 
  "My nephew is going to fight the Avengers…How did our lives turn into this?"

She petted the spiderbot now resting on her shoulder after concluding that she didn't have a heart attack and that everything was fine.

“Yeah speaking of T-day. You should avoid my room until I come back..”

“Why?” May laughed, “Did you boobytrap it or something?”

“Something like that.”

“Oh?” May looked surprised, before understanding and grinning.     
             “ohhhh… Don’t worry Pete I’ll purposely avoid it.” She winked and ruffled his hair.

“Thanks May" Peter said before giving her a hug.

"Do you mind if I?" she asked as she pointed towards the spiderbot.

"yeah that's okay you can bring it with you"

“Great. Have fun Pete!” she called out before leaving the house ready for work. The spiderbot still on her shoulder. 

After she left Peter checked his phone.


Better than weiner soldier @Falcon

Might fuck around and kill a certain one armed emo tomorrow


Peter's phone started vibrating. He looked at the Id and picked up.

“Sup Ned”

“Dude! I swear I just saw the actual  ironman fly past our bus! Where are you?”

“I’m not going with the bus today… for exactly that reason.”

Another voice joined the conversation.

“Why not idiot? Are you avoiding him?” Mj asked.

Kinda. Peter thought in his head.


"Yes kid are you avoiding me?" Tony asked.


Wait… Tony asked?


"Mr Stark??!" Peter asked, shocked but not surprised.

"Is that Tony Stark??" Ned asked with excitement in his voice, followed by an 'auw' and a 'shh' from MJ.

"Hey Ned, MJ… Pete."

Worry really started to bubble up.

"Oh my god he knows my name" Ned whispered to MJ.

"Kid I gotta talk to you before the T-event starts. Can you meet me in the tower at 5?" Tony asked.

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