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it had been a few weeks and coralline officially started school. she immediately became good friends with this one girl in her class, aaniya . she liked her because she didn't want to be friends with her for tyler and she didn't put up with anybody.

while coralline was in school tyler was practicing. the team still messed with him about coralline and it finally stopped getting to his head.


while i couldn't practice yet because of the wound that was pretty much healed all the way i still did our workouts. let's just say college is a different world than high school and it's hard as fuck.

i was very sore and could barley even walk. that's how hard the workout was. i got back to the apartment and tyler was eating dinner. he had made me some chicken and i sat down making a weird noise because it hurt.

"damn c you sound like that in bed?" he asked.

"shut up t this workout today was literally killer like so hard i can't." i said hitting him.

"you should come to this this i do every other week i'm going tonight." he said looking over to me.

"what is it?"

"you just sit in this like pool kinda thing with a ton of salt in it. it's really nice and relaxing, it even has these led lights and those light that look like stars."

"it's sounds pretty relaxing kinda sexual though you sure it's okay if i go with you?" i said kind of worried about going and not letting him relax.

"yeah it's cool you'll like it a lot it's fine if you come it'll probably be fun."

"you can't swim though how do you do it?"

"you float and it's only like 5 feet deep i usually just sit on these stumps the whole time."

"oh okay i'll go. what time?"

"probably like 10:30."


"okay i'll pick you up to go. i'm going to lift see you."

"bye." he left.

i had a lot of homework to do so i just did that and facetimed aaniya. we just chilled and worked on our work together.

"i'm actually going to this thing with tyler later tonight it's like a relaxing pool with those cool lights."

"sounds romantic if you ask me."

"it's not chill." i said laughing as we continued our work.


we were lifting and i was just talking to jimmy while we were getting our reps in. i could feel myself getting sore and couldn't wait for that pool later. jimmy actually showed it to me he goes there a lot.

"you goin to that pool later?" he asked me. i always went on days we lifted.

"yeah i am i'm taking coralline with me." i said squatting.

"wait what for real bro that's kinda sus." he said.

"what how?"

"you know that music that plays and the lights come on she could be ugly as hell and you'd still get turned on."

"nah i'll be good."

"okayy sure you will tell me how it goes baby g."

"aight ain't nothin happening but i'll tell you."

after lifting we stretched out and shot for a little bit. it was already like 9 and we walked out to our cars. i took my mercedes today and that baby was cleannn.

"good luck later bro."

"aight i'll see you."

when i got back coralline was taking a nap so i woke her up and told her we needed to leave soon. i went and got dressed and went to the kitchen drinking a smoothie.

coralline walked in wearing a t shirt and some shorts.

"ohh mommy lookin fine." i joked around with her.

"shut up tyler i just woke up and i'm sore as hell let's just go." she said walking out the door.

we got in the mercedes and i turned on some music. it instantly put coralline in a better mood and she started singing along. we got there and i checked in. you do time slots so only you.


they got in the room and coralline was shocked. the led lights matched the song and it was playing the slower versions of songs. the pool was smaller than she thought.

they got in and started relaxing. they were here for like 30 minutes and just chilled sitting across from each other. coralline then went under water.

"oh god it feels so good." she said and tyler lowkey got turned on from it.

"ty this music is so sexual i mean cmon slowed down music are you trying to get me in your bed?"

they both started laughing. and she swam by him. he turned and looked at her.

"oh please i could easily get you in bed." he looked at me and strange addiction by billie eilish played.

"matter in fact i've got you in bed before."

"yeah i guess so touché."

they looked at each other and suddenly there was a lot of sexual tension. he looked down at her body and back up to her eyes. they were both leaning into each other as the song went on.

"i'm the powder you the glue just add some friction." she sand then he did something very unexpected. he kissed her. and even crazier she kissed him back.

what the hell they both thought. we aren't supposed to do this but they knew how good it felt. taylor thought he was a really good kisser and was worried he was disappointed.

he thought she was the best kisser ever and pulled her on top of him. they kissed a little to longer then finally pulled away.

"shit." she said getting out of the pool.

they both put clothes on and left. it was a very awkward car ride to say the least and when they got back to his apartment she immediately went to her room and changed.

he just sat there in the kitchen shocked and pulled his phone out. coralline came out and looked down saying she was going to her friends house. he just told her to stay safe and called jimmy.

"shit jimmy something happened i need you to come over now." he said.

My Herro (Tyler Herro)Where stories live. Discover now