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11:30 am june 1st, 2019:
i woke up pretty late might i add, and sat on my phone for a bit. finally i decided i should wash my face so i got out of bed with nike pros and a long t shirt that was actually tyler's from when he was in high school. after washing my face i went to go get food.

rubbing my face while i walked to the kitchen still tired i jumped when i notice tyler in my kitchen.
"god fool you keep scaring me." i laughed while pulling out some apples to eat.
"i can't help it you're a pussy and get scared easily." he said taking an apple slice from me and giving me a smoothie.
"i am not tyler herro take that back right now," i said while taking the apple back that he took from me and biting into it.
"and if i don't?" he said getting really close to me and eating the other half of the apple. wow that got kinda sexual didn't it.
"ohh fuck you ty!" i exclaimed giggling like a child over how awkward the situation was. i always do that when i think something is awkward i giggle, not even laugh, just giggle.

awww she had the cutest laugh ever. she always does that when she gets nervous around me which honestly is one of the reason our friendship grew so much because no matter if it was awkward like sex talk which we did all the time she would laugh and make it better.
"oh trust me i would fuck you any day." i said in a "serious" tone, winking at her, which is what i always did when she would start to giggle like that. don't get me wrong she's gorgeous i just don't actually think of her like that. well i take that back sometimes i do get really horny but that isn't that often.
"ha ha herro you are so delirious thinking you, a 4, could get a 10 like me," she said which was honestly true.
"oh just wait till i'm making a milli then you'll be all over me as if you aren't already i see you wearing my shirt your ass looks nice by the way." i said pulling at the shirt that used to be mine that looked like a dress on her, a slutty dress, but nonetheless a dress.

she just pushed past me and sat down at the table and i sat beside her taking another apple from her which she quickly tried to grab back so i lifted it in the air.
"give it back!" she yelled.
"only if you give me something in return i'm thinking a kiss?" i smirked as she reached for it struggling to get near me.
"fine keep the damn apple ion want it anyway." she said eating what was left of the breakfast she had.

12:30 pm june 1st, 2019

ty and i were shooting some hoops playing horse in the driveway we were currently tied us both having h. i then made a tricky 3 partially behind the goal. he then stepped in the spot i was previously at missing his 3 and cussing under his breath.

"take that you ho!" i cheered one thing about tyler was that he was very competitive he hated losing especially to me maybe because i never let him live down the fact that i a 6th grade girl at the time beat him a 7th grade boy at the 3 pt contest.

"oh shut yo ass up imma start dunkin on yo head ass." he said pouting. we had a rule where in games like this he couldn't dunk but 1v1 was fair game. he had actually dunked on me 1 time because we made a funny vine (rip) of him doing it. that was when i was a freshman in high school maybe and his girlfriend broke up with him over it. she claimed i just wanted his dick in my face. totally not true but whatever she was a bitch and he could do better anyway.

we continued to play horse for some time before sadly he won. we both decided to go on a run together and after running 3 miles safe to say we were both very tired and out of breathe. when we got back to my house we took off our shirts because we were sweating so much and he said he was going to take a shower. he took one in my room and i went and got stuff out to make us lunch. i made chicken and egg whites with a slice of avocado toast. i took both plates to my room and turned on the tv.

tyler has finished showering and walked out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel, i guess he forgot to grab clothes (he has his own drawer in my room).

"ewww tyler i did not need to see that." i say covering my eyes.
"see what i have a towel on i can show you though you'll be shocked," he said fumbling through the clothes.
"yeah with how small it is," i laughed and literally started crying because that was just such a good comeback. he just flipped me off and walked back in the bathroom.

he came out a few minutes later and got in the bed eating his food that i already finished. we turned on qb1 which i just loved. we were currently on season 2 mainly because i only watched with tyler and he was never home. after about 30 minutes i fell asleep.


"ahhh shit c that throw was a bomb i miss my football days." i said looking over to see that she was asleep. she sleeps through literally anything but she was laying like she was getting head or sum. she was on her back with her arms crossed behind her bed with her mouth open cmon i had to take a picture of it. i watched another episode of qb1 before i myself had fallen asleep.

3:00 pm

after they had both fallen asleep they ended up cuddling. of course tyler was the big spoon since coralline was 5'8 compared to 6'5. she always slept better when he was there and she thinks it was just a comfort thing but most other thought otherwise. tyler felt the same way but he knew why he slept better with her than other girls. she slept on the right side of the bed and he slept on the left.

it was a small detail almost no one would notice but tyler could not go to sleep on the right side, but almost every girl he slept with would go on the left side after. she was actually the only girl that didn't do that that'd he had slept in the same bed as even though they weren't having sex it was very important to him.

he also knew he needed to tell her he had to leave next week for the draft combine, but knew she would be sad seeing as it was her last few weeks in town herself. she was 10000% going to go to the draft with tyler along with his family and her mom. they were all just one big family, but secretly his and her mom chatted frequently about their relationship with one another.

they didn't know what kind it was because they were too touchy for it to be a brother-sister type friendship, but both too stubborn for it to be an actual relationship. both moms always knew at some point they would get together they were just shocked it hadn't happened yet. coralline's mom figured it was because of her trust issues since her dad was always a destructive character in her life, but at the same time coralline never thought of tyler like that.

it was just a waiting game at that point to see who would make a actually move on the other first, however, no one knew when they were actually seriously flirting or not because both always made "moves" on each other with not actually making one.

My Herro (Tyler Herro)Where stories live. Discover now