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not much had changed since tyler moved to miami. at first he stayed with coralline and lily but after a week or so found his own apartment. they were both busy with the same stuff basketball.

shoot around

they usually hung out late at night or just went to eat with each other. they were very overwhelmed by the new lifestyle and over the weekend chilled together and went to the beach.

tyler had started a fling i guess you could call it with lily so basically they fucked occasionally. he had told jimmy and bam about the casual sex and they all said it was a big mistake.

he told a lot of his friends except coralline. he didn't know why he just thought she'd be mad at him for using her although he thought she was hot he was "the girl" for him.


it was the week before summer league started and i was kind of nervous so what did i do to relieve my stress? have sex with coralline's roommate. she was pretty good in bed and all but she didn't sleep on the right side.

that was a huge dealbreaker for me i just continued to sleep with her because i never stayed after. i should probably tell coralline but i'm nervous to.

i had practice after so i drove their speeding or else i'd be late again.

"bro where were you at?" jimmy asked

"let me guess with coralline." he said.

"nah lily."

"for real dude your kidding me you have a hot best friend like coralline who also plays basketball and sleeps on the right side of the bed ,yet you're still gonna fuck lily."

"the girl who talks shit about your friend and the girl you only fuck because you want coralline jealous." jimmy said.

"i'm not doing that to make her jealous okay chill she don't even know. besides lily was a virgin and i like virgins." i said putting on my shoes.

"fool you dumb as hell if you think she's a virgin and having casual sex nah virgins don't do that.i bet coralline's a virgin though. i want to meet her so i can ask her how she's friends with you because bruh you be pissin me off with this shit."

he's right. i don't know why i did it because lily did in fact talk bad about coralline like a lot actually. i thought it was just a girl thing but she's never said a mean thing about lily.

after practice some of the team went to eat and by some i mean jimmy, bam, duncan, and i. we went to a place near coralline's school.

we sat at the table and ordered shortly after then i saw someone walk in the door. her back was face towards me and she had elite socks with teva sandals nike shorts and a hoodie on.

i knew by the fact the hood was up it was coralline. she sat at a table by herself chilling on her phone so i decided to go up and invite her to sit with us.

"hey c wanna come eat with us instead of by yourself??"

she jumped when i said that and grabbed her chest. she had no makeup on but looked like she had it on god she's so pretty. what. the. fuck. why did i just think that?

she got up and jimmy pulled a chair up between me and him for her to sit at.

"hey guys i'm coralline it's really nice to meet you i'm so excited to watch y'all play this year! jimmy i'm a huge fan. you're actually one of the reason i chose 22."

"really wow i like you already tyler's told us a lot about you. a lot. and about your roommate lila wasn't it." he asked her i reached behing c and hit him.

"oh it's lily actually she's great. she is so sweet and nice!" she said and i immediately felt bad because i just let her talk shit. why'd i think it was normal to be a fake bitch i'm dumb as hell.

"oh really because i've heard otherwise." bam said.

"wait really tyler did she say something mean to you or something? i'm sorry i can y'all to her if you want."

"no no c she didn't talk shit about me. i think we should have this conversation in private."

"wait what happened did she talk bad about me or something?" coralline said laughing, everyone at the table went silent including me. her face fell and she looked really upset.

she was never the type of person to get upset about stuff like that but it's different with a friend.

"oh how do you know we've only all hung out to— oh ohhh umm i actually have to go but i'll talk to you later it was really nice meeting y'all!" she said getting up.

"wait c let's talk okay."

"there isn't anything to talk about it's fine ty i gotta go shoot around anyway i'll see y'all." she walked away and i immediately felt awful for her.

"well i guess she was jealous so are you happy now tyler you ruined the poor girls first year in college." jimmy said he was right cause now she has to see lily and 1 know we had sex and 2 know she talked shit about her.

the second thing was obviously what really bothered coralline.


i walked out of the restaurant and got in my jeep. i honestly was starving but whatever i didn't want to go home and i couldn't stay and see tyler. i pulled up the the gym deciding to go shoot, but before i got out of the car i cried.

not for long and no it wasn't because i was jealous. it was because tyler didn't tell me he was sleeping with my roommate. not only that but he knew she was talking bad about me and didn't even defend me or do anything about it.

he continued to sleep with her after it. okay maybe i'm a little jealous but no it's not because he was with other girls. i knew he was like that.

he had ditched us going out to eat sometimes and i assume it was because he wanted to be with her instead. ok fuck i am jealous i don't know why.

i went in the gym and shot for a bit before i went to a cafe and ordered a bagel and got a gatorade. i put headphones in and just listened to music.

one thing for sure was that i did not want to go back to my back stabbing bitch of a roommate who i guess had been fake to me all along so what was i gonna do?

My Herro (Tyler Herro)Where stories live. Discover now