ACT TWO/ix. Freaking Riverdale

Start from the beginning

"This is business." Carmen answered casually with a broad, smirk.

The duo entered the house flooded with men in uniforms rummaging around before suddenly a familiar, sarcastic voice straight from the kitchen."Would you like some coffee or tea? Some toast with cured ham and tomato? No? Nothing? Oh, damn, that's right. You're on duty."

Carmen immediately looked over her shoulder at Freya in response to her friend's insolent behavior. Freya winced, shrugging her shoulders before trying a slight innocent smile.

Carmen shook her head as she entered the kitchen before standing up straight as she took in the young teenage girl simply dressed in a long T-shirt. She had barely risen visibly.

"I would recommend silence, miss. Bormujo Ávalos." Announced Carmen as she crossed her hands over her thighs covered by her professional pencil skirt.

Freya tried a small smile as Rebecca jumped, turning to her just to widen her eyes at the sight of the duo."Freya? Mrs. Del Lun-I mean Carmen? The fuck you're doing here?"

Freya immediately walked over to her friend, becoming visibly emotional to her friend despite her tough exterior before knowingly hugging her. Rebe hastened to return her embrace by closing her eyes as she took advantage of their height difference to nest her nose in the crook of her neck.

She couldn't believe her friend was right here to help her through this ordeal. She thought she was sincerely alone but it's even better this time.

"Your mother hired Carmen to represent you." Murmured Freya as an explanation, letting the tall brunette tense in spite of herself as she looked up at Carmen to look over her friend's shoulder.

The great Latin brunette beauty gave her a smile with wrinkled lips so contrary to what she had given her before. She wasn't her friend's stepmother right now but her lawyer.

"I see." Rebecca sighed, shaking her head before detaching herself from Freya to keep the gaze of Carmen."I guess I have to call you Mrs. Del Luna now, uh?"

"Carmen work fine." Carmen assured with a slight maternal smile crossing her professional facade before waving to her about her current outfit."Get ready for high school I'll take you. And take some things for the next few days. You're going to come and live at home for a while."

Freya immediately felt her heart fall down her stomach as she straightened up immediately, giving an incredulous look at Carmen.

However she tried to force a slight smile on her lips as Rebecca turned to her with a genuinely relieved expression."Seriously?"

"Well since she said it." Freya replied gently as she signed Carmen before nodding with a smile like Rebe's warning she was going to hurry. She watched her friend leave the room before turning to Carmen with a wide look."At the moment ? With what's going on with dad?"

"Well I thought your friend was the most important thing right now."

"Yeah, of course. That's what I said but- "Freya paused with a frustrated breath before giving an exhausted look at her stepmother."What's Dad going to say?"

Carmen wrinkled her lips, shaking her head with a sharp look on the brunette with slightly caramel hair tone."Like you I doubt that one more teenage girl at home is his biggest problem right now."



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