Chapter 15

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"Peter, be careful," Ned said nervously as he watched his friend quickly mix various ingredients into the beaker. Peter scoffed at him, his brow raising as he smiled at him.

"Come on, man. Do you know how many times I've done this?" he asked cockily. He continued to add the final ingredient before pulling out a stirring stick and glancing at the door. "Ned, can you keep an eye out? I don't think Mr. Cobwell will be out for much longer," he told Ned as he quickly began to stir the mixture. His back was to the rest of the class, trying his best to hide what he was doing. He had to admit, it was nice to have someone to watch his back while he made his web fluid and not to worry about being caught.

"On it," Ned said, his eyes focused on the door.

Peter stared at the beaker intently as it started to change from clear to a pale yellow, slowly becoming thicker to stir through. "Come on, come on, come on..." he muttered as he watched, patiently waiting for the reaction he needed.

Ned watched in fascination as he began to see little specks of white form on the surface. But his fatination was cut by the sound of a door opening, causing his head to turn.

"Shit, Peter! Hurry up!" he whispered frantically, tapping his friend on the shoulder simultaneously.

"He's here?!" Peter said, briefly glancing towards the teacher's direction to see him walk back towards his desk. Turning back to the beaker in his hands, he saw little bits of spindly webs form from the foam rapidly. "Finally," he said.

"Quick, put it away!" Ned said hastily to Peter as he watched Mr. Cobwell casually stroll through the class, looking at the work of his students.

"Nice job, M.J.," he said as he passed the blunt teen as she wrote down her notes. She didn't spare her teacher a glance, but she nodded her head, humming her proof of acknowledgment.

Peter hurried up and placed the beaker down into an open drawer at Ned's knees, just barely able to push it closed as Mr. Cobwell came up to them.

"You boys doing ok? Nothing confusing you two?" he asked, genuine friendly concern on his face.

Ned and Peter both nodded their heads a bit too eagerly. "Yup, we're doing just fine," Ned assured, his voice steady but forcefully strained.

"Alright, then. Just let me know if you need anything," Mr. Cobwell said, walking away. He continued to walk around the room, checking up on different pairs and looking over their work so far. Ned and Peter watched as he got farther and farther away from them, only letting themselves breathe again when he sat at his desk and typing away at his computer.

"That was close, man," Peter said, glancing around before opening the drawer again, looking down at his brand new batch of web fluid.

"Yeah, no kidding," Nedd agreed, grabbing their worksheets. "I'm glad we finished it early though. Is this why you were always so eager to get done in this class?" he asked Peter.

"Yeah, most of the time," Peter said as he reached into his backpack and pulled out a few vials and uncapped them. He proceeded to carefully take the beaker and fill the vials with his web fluid and then capping them back up as tightly as he could, and put them safely inside his backpack. And when he finished one, he'd do it again.

"So, before you started making your webby stuff, we were talking about... what happened at Stark Tower..." Ned said.

Peter's hands fumbled, causing the web fluid almost dripping out as he slowly poured it. "I told you. It was an eventful day," Peter growled as he continued his work.

"Did that chick you fought do anything? Oh god, she didn't try to kill you, did she?" Ned asked him, concern swimming through his voice as much as his eyes.

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