Chapter 14

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"What did you agree to?" Pepper asked, her voice low and threatening to match the glare she was throwing at her fiance.

"I already told you. Me and Rhodey-"

"Not me, I had no idea what this man was thinking,"

"I decided that we should try, you know, steering a wayward child towards a brighter future?"

Pepper sighed, dropping herself into the chair. Pepper, Tony, Rhodey, and Happy were all in the meeting room that Secretary Ross had left little over twenty minutes ago. Tony had filled the other two people in the room on what happened, and there were... mixed reactions to say the least.

"I don't disagree with that, even though she's trained to kill people, and we're," Pepper said, waving her finger back and forth between her and Tony. "The people she was sent to kill! I don't hate this, this... redemption idea, think it's great," she said. But there was a sense of something unsaid in her voice.

"I'm sensing a but, somewhere in that sentence," Tony said.

Pepper sighed, the simple action border lining an annoyed groan, but continued nonetheless. "But... Have you thought this out at all?" she asked him, her blue eyes communicating all the worry in her mind.

All eyes landed on Tony, their gazes eagerly awaiting an answer. Tony's mouth opened and closed, practically gasping for any words that could tumble out of his mouth. "Yes, I have," he said, an air of fake reassurance and confidence in his voice as he pieced together a reply.

"Then where is she going to stay?" Pepper asked. She stared at Tony, and he noticed the challenging gleam in her eyes making him more determined, and stubbornly unable to back down.


"Where? She can't stay in a chair for seven months. And what about food? She tried to break out the last time we gave her food. What about hygiene? Oh, and she's a girl, she has "stuff" to do once a mon-"

"Ok! I got it!" Tony exclaimed, holding his hands out in front of him and shaking them rapidly. "We have some kinks to work out here," he said.

Happy scoffed at the billionaire's statement, a small smile playing on his face. "That's an understatement," he said.

"I thought you were supposed to be on my side?" Tony asked, swerving in his chair to face him.

"Well, realistically, who do you think is going to have to watch her? I mean, I already have to keep an eye on an ambitious teen with good intentions and that's hard enough. I don't need another one with bad intentions instead," Happy explained.

"I know I already agreed with you, Tony," Rhodey spoke up from his seat, kneading his hands together and resting them on the table as he faced Stark. "But everyone has a point. I love the plan, but it's easier said than done in the real world. This might be the one thing that you can't do," Rhodey said.

Those words echoed in Tony's head. He believed than anything was possible with enough effort, and so far he'd proven those words to be true. Looking back on his life so far, nothing has ever stopped him. He wanted to make a giant pure energy generator, he made it. Make a powerful metal suit that can fly and shoot laser beams like Star Wars? Built in a day and a half. Become a superhero and save the world a few times? Been there done that. But help people... He was still working on that. He knew that it's never be finished, but that only drove him to try harder to achieve it. And nothing was going to stand in his way.

The raven haired genius stared at the strawberry blonde women across from him, their eyes connecting with the others in a locked gaze. Neither made an attempt to look away. "Hey, guys? Can I talk with Pepper alone for a second?" he asked, breaking eye contact to look at Rhodey and Happy.

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