Unknown to her as her eyes were scanning the card his eyes were scanning her.

In the candlelights, those eyes looked like they were dancing and her lips were opening and closing trying to pronounce the French words in the menu.

He felt his junior going out of control and he cursed in his mind.
He tried to look down to avoid her face to only make his eyes land on her cleavage.

She felt his behaviour to be a bit weird.
Not that he was normal usually but today he seemed more abnormal than normal.

She followed his gaze and found it extremely uncomfortable.
Pulling up the menu card she blocked his view of her cleavage.

"Do you like anything in particular?"

She asked but to her surprise, he was not paying attention to her.
His eyes were now fixed on someone on the next table and he was giving the person killer looks.



He asked coming out of his stare game.

"Do you know him?"
She asked wondering why he was staring at someone.

"Who...no...what were you saying?"
He said placing his elbow on the table and giving her his full attention.

"I asked if you want anything in particular"

"No...I am fine with whatever you like."

But the answer to this question was itself a question.
She couldn't understand the menu let alone decide something.

Closing the menu she nervously looked at him and he just sat there drinking his vine.

"Your order ma'am?"
A waiter approached her with a notepad and she placed her hand on Ashton's arm.

Ashton surprised looked up her to find her in a turmoil.
Excusing the waiter for a minute he asked her.

"What happened ?"

"It's just...I don't understand the menu... it's in French"
She looked at him shyly and he picked up the menu from her side.

Ordering on behalf of both of them in just mere seconds he handed back the menu to the waiter.

Long awkward silence extended between them which Elle decided to break

"Lorena just wanted to try this...I couldn't say no to her so I agreed"

He merely nodded engaged on his phone trying to show her he was busy.
But unknown to her every minute his eyes looked at someone who sat at the next table.

"So do you like it...I mean do I look fine?"

Her innocent question made him look up at her.
In contrast to her innocence, his eyes were everything except it.

He suddenly moved closer to her and she froze in surprise.
Her wide eyes were staring at his face but his were staring at something else.

Unexpectedly he held her loose front hair in his hands and gently adjusted them.
Trying to cover her cleavage with them.

Once satisfied he moved back from her, now staring into those surprised brown orbs.

"You look better"

Was this a compliment or an insult she couldn't understand but still she was not able to stop that huge smile that got displayed on her face.

"Why are you smiling like that? I just said you look better than before!"

She didn't reply.
Instead, she again smiled showing him her perfectly aligned teeth.

She moved her head in a no and his gaze again moved towards the table on their side.

To her surprise, he just suddenly got up from his seat and was gone without telling her anything.

Seeing him enter the washroom she sat back and enjoyed her vine.

He entered with eyes searching for only one face.

The washroom was empty and this made him smirk.
He was going to have fun breaking someone and with this thought, he pulled up the sleeve of his shirt till his elbow.

There stood his target.

He had his back towards him and it looked like he was doing his business in the wall urinal.
But Ashton knew better.

The indecent voices the man was making and the way his arms were moving.
Ashton knew very well what he was doing and that also after looking at his wife with that look.

The sight which Ashton's eagle eyes have managed to catch inside the restaurant was not to be ignored.

Another man staring at his wife in his presence and on top of that trying to pleasure himself while thinking about her.

Moving towards the man with hands clenched in fists.

He stood silently behind him.

The man's pants were loosely hanging on his waist when Ashton decided to push them down from behind.

"Who....? Are you crazy? What are you doing!!?"
The man screamed in horror as he saw Ashton standing just behind him.

Aston placed his shoes on the man's pants.
Just between his legs making the person unable to pull up his pants.

"Leave it!! Are you crazy??"

With no intention to reply Ashton smirked as the person struggled to hide his glory.

After making sure he had played enough with his prey, it was time to attack.

Placing his hand on the neck of the person Ashton smashed his face on the wall of the cubicle.

"Ahhh!! Sh**!! It Hu-"
Pulling back Ashton again smashed his face on the wall
This time followed by a cracking voice.

Moving back Ashton allowed the person to fall on the ground with his hands holding his bleeding nose.
And body rolling in pain.

"Shi* man!! What did I even do to you!! I don't even know you!! Ahhhh it hurts so bad!! Ahhh"

Ashton stood in between his legs and then he did it.

Kicking him in-between his legs cries of pain echoed in the empty washroom.

Tears of pain land on the tiled floor and Ashton's beast found satisfaction.
His cries were like music to his ears as he enjoyed seeing him in pain.

The person was holding his family jewels and rolling on the bathroom floor.

"You ass****!! I will bloo** kill you!!"

His words got stopped when Ashton pulled him up from his collar shirt and made him stand against the wall.

"This Di** of yours forgot it's place ...was just trying to show it where it belonged.
And as for you...the girl you were eye fuc**** is my wife!! "

The person's eyes widened when he realised just why he was being beaten.
He thought that no one noticed his actions but again Ashton Lockwood was not just anyone.

"Sorry man...I didn't knew..I....I...."

Another punch was thrown at his face as the person nearly pleaded for mercy.

"Pl.... please...Pl..."

"If you even dare to look at her or any other girl in that way...mark my words ....you will not have a d*** to pleasure yourself next time"

And with this, he again pulled up his knee and slammed it between his legs.

Leaving a crying ass**** of a man behind he washed his hands of all the blood and made his way towards his table.


"What took you so much time?"
She asked while looking at the dishes with water in her mouth.

"A man's business takes time Love, you won't understand"

The only word which she could understand was the endearment he used and she couldn't help blush a shade darker.


His not so beautiful wifeWhere stories live. Discover now