Chapter Twenty

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Blossom stared at her phone with watery eyes. Her hand was shaking causing the words to blur together. She knew people would be rude about it but it hurt. Why are people so cruel? She will never understand how people can be so cruel.

The tears ran own her face as she kept scrolling through the comments. She knew she should stop but she couldn't. She kept reading and reading. All the words scarred into her brain. She scrolled through the comments.

Finally with unknown strength, she turned her phone off and tossed it somewhere in her room. Blossom rolled over on her bed, stuffing her face in the pillow and sobbed. She felt broken. She knew she was a nerd, she  knew she was a dork but hearing them say with such malice, it hurt. Yet deep down she knew that wasn't the real reason why she was crying.

She was also crying because of Brick.

Blossom thought she was doing the right thing. She thought she was the good guy in this situation but she wasn't. She was doing it for the wrong reasons. She was just as mean as Berserk. Reason being, Blossom was never going to tell Brick that there was a bet. She would've happily kept that in the dark if she and Brick were going to be happy. 

She could see why Brick was upset. And he was right, if it was the other way around she would be angry. Not to mention, everyone would've jumped on him. Espically her friends.

Blossom should have never agreed to the bet. It would have been better if she walked away from Berserk when she mentioned it. Maybe one day Blossom would've talked to Brick a better way. A way for them to become friends. Then one day Brick and her would've fallen in love. In a way that wouldn't hurt either of them in the future.

But that was gone. That future was gone all because of Blossom agreeing to the stupid bet.

Before Blossom could go deeper into her dark thoughts, someone was knocking at her window. That action made her think of the night of the party. When Brick snuck in to take her to the party. Or the time he broke into her room when she was sick. 

She sat up, rubbing her eyes. She wondered who it was. Maybe it was Berserk coming to brag. Or it was Buttercup coming by to talk. Blossom knew it wasn't Bubbles. Bubbles hasn't talked to her since that day in the library. A fact that hurt Blossom.

Blossom walked over to her window, she pushed back the curtains to discover Brick there. Her eyes widened, she said his name in shock but opened the window. Brick swung his legs inside the room, he stepped inside carefully. Brick looked over at Blossom, he leaned against the wall.

"I saw the post," Brick said.

Blossom looked away tying to hide the fact she was crying.

"You didn't deserve that," Brick kept talking. "No one does. I'm sorry."

"Brick . . . ."

"I'll find a way to get it down," Brick ignored Blossom. "So it doesn't ruin your future or whatever."

"Thank you," She whispered.

"You know . . . ," Brick pressed his lips together. "I actually like you. And I was beating myself for liking you and I regret doing that. 'Cause now, I realize I was an asshole to think those things. And I think now how that would make you feel if you ever found out those thoughts."

"Brick," Blossom tried to interrupt him.

But Brick kept going, "I didn't want to date anyone. I could had care less about dating."

"I knew that." Blossom said.

"But do you know why?" Brick asked her.

Blossom shook her head, "No,  I don't."

"Berserk and I had been off and of since beginning of high school," Brick looked away from Blossom. "But we were only good for hot sex. Yet deep down, I didn't want that. I wanted to have a good life. I wanted to have a good four years of high school. But I messed it up every Friday night with Berserk.

"So I played the part. I refused to date. I told my brothers I was happy being single. I told myself I didn't like crazy. But then I found myself liking you. Blossom, the crazy nerd. From your friendship my life starting to get crazy. No matter how many times I told myself I didn't like it, I did. I loved it. I love being around you. I love talking to you. I love it," Brick pushed himself off the wall. "And I know you love it too."

"I do," Blossom nodded.

Brick looked over at her, "Blossom, why? I thought you were one of the good girls."

"I know I said I did it for a good reason but it wasn't," Blossom locked eyes with Brick. "It was selfish. I didn't want to see you with Berserk. I was jealous, like really jealous. But none of that matters. I hurt you and I didn't want to do that!"

"I figured you wouldn't," Brick said.

"The only thing I can say, Brick is that I'm sorry," Blossom whispered. "I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry I bet on your like a horse race. I'm really sorry."

Brick looked away from her. He nodded, Brick walked over to the window and opened it back up. Blossom watched him as he ready himself to jump out. He stopped himself. Brick looked back at her. His red eyes looking conflict as he stared at Blossom.

"For the record," Brick started off slowly. "I still like you. I do. But right now, I need some space. And I meant what I said. I'm going to get those off."

Blossom felt her face heated up.

"Goodnight Blossom," He whispered.

"Night Brick."

Heyyo Guyyys!!!!!

I know, a short chapter. It's been a really long time but it's been a crazy time. Anyways, I will finish this book! So please tell em your thoughts??? Brick??? Blossom??? What's gonna happen next???

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2021 ⏰

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