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Kau sebut-sebut diri ini kafir, padahal semesta tahu bahwa aku musafir.
Aku memang hilang arah, tapi bukan hilang langkah.
Derap langkahku melaju terbentang maju
Kepada jalanmu aku mengaduh.

Duhai, kekasihku!
Alangkah baiknya kau biarkanku menzikirkan
namamu dalam puisiku, dalam setiap baitku.
Kembali ke peraduanmu mengumandang laguan,
walau sedu dan sedan.

[English Translation]

You call myself an infidel, although the universe knows that I'm a traveler.
I've lost my way, but not my race.
My pace moves forward.
To your path I moan afterward.

O my dear!
You'd better let me mention
Your name in my poem, in every my stanza.
Back to your shelter which recited couple songs.
Though through sobs and weeps.


For God's sake it's kinda hard to translate Indonesian poem into English one without losing its sense and art. Some words like kafir, musafir, and zikr were losing their "beauty" after converted into English (I think ya)😂
And few parts in English and Indonesian has different translations to make it good at rhymes, but I strived to keep the real meaning of it.

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