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Have you ever woken up and your body felt fine, but the inside feels like... Nothing?

Or more specifically, the nothing is something you can't fully describe, but it's not meant to be there.

If you understand I feel bad for you... if you don't, then you're a lucky one.

And it's not boredom, it's... murky. That's the best way I can describe it at present, but with it comes the overwhelming need to go to sleep, and just stay there.

Sleep where your body and your insides are supposed to feel better and get better but it doesn't and so you want to sleep more until eventually that's all you want to do. It's a horrible vicious cycle...

I'm not sure what else to out here, or if I even should put anything else here, the words that usually come are... blank... right now.

Stay safe everyone, and be careful.

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