" Oh" She looked down disappointed and Raj sighed in relief.

" And the next meeting?" Her face lit up again making him sigh again.

" In a cafe......but I think its better if we leave it to fate like doctor said." Raj said.

" What? If we wait for the fate then they both will grow old just like this Dr. Ramesh and his old ideas." Neha snorted making Raj chuckle.

" Hey! Who are you calling old you silly girl? I don't even have a single grey hair on my head." Doctor said offended by her comment.

" I am not silly you old man." She hissed at him.

" Yes maybe because you are an annoying brat." He said taking his coat.

" Well see and learn what this annoying brat is going to do?" She smirked at him.

" Raj I am leaving.....I have had enough of her craziness. You handle her and one more thing....." He paused and leaned close to Raj.

" Keep an eye on her and what she is going to do." He whispered and went away.

" What did he say?" She asked Raj narrowing her eyes at him.

" Nothing....." He shrugged and walked to his car.

" Hey! I am still here, stop ignoring me like I am not even present here." Neha yelled running behind him and jumped on his back like a monkey.

" Oh god! Neha get down." He shouted balancing her on his back.

" Not until you help me with the plan." She said in his ear.

" Of course I will help as I also want them to be together." He said and she got down.

" Have I ever told you how much I love you?" She said squealing and hugged him making him chuckle.

" But I am afraid if something happens to Anu." Raj said to her.

" Nothing will happen to her.....trust me they need some help and push so that they can be together. If we don't help them then who will?" She asks him with tears.

" Why are you crying Neha?" He asks concerned.

" I miss them both so much.....I want them back again." She says wiping her tears.

" It's not easy Neha but we will try." He promised her and she smiles at him.


Next day, Anu is waiting in the cafe waiting for Neha who told her to meet up. She liked this place as it was very cozy and warm filled with smell of caffeine.

Just then she saw everyone looking at something or rather someone. She followed their gaze and saw a very hot and sexy man coming out of a big car.

Hot and Sexy?

She was baffled at her own words.

She recognised him and her mouth opened wide in shock.

It was Siddharth whom she met at the mall.

He was wearing a simple blue shirt & jeans and his eyes were covered with shades.....and blue looks good on him. He is looking so breathtakingly handsome and no wonder all the people here at staring at him in awe.

She looked around and saw how all the girls are swooning over his looks. Something burned inside her and she doesn't know what it was.

He didn't notice anyone or simply he didn't care any stares maybe because he is used to all this attention. He just went to an empty table and was furiously typing on his phone sitting there.

WHEN THEY MET.....AGAIN ❤️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن