Chapter Eleven I Be Damn If I see Another Chick In Your Arms

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The paparazzi surrounded the entrance as they exited. Tonio's hold on her hand was like a death grip.. He pulled her close behind him. The reporters were shouting his name. She placed her clutch in front of her face and stayed close enough to him that they would have a hard time knowing her identity.

He had called the driver who was waiting as they exited into the limo. She instantly went to work on his hand grabbing a bottle water from the bar she unwrapped his hand then used the water to cleanes it patting it dry.

"I'm sorry Tonio."She looked in to his dark eyes he smiled. "What for? That bastard deserved the beat down."

"But your hand..we need to go to the hospital."

"Know we don't its fine I can bend it see." He made a fist then flexed his fingers. It just the knuckles are cut..Believe me I've had worst when I was younger. She couldn't stop the tears from falling it was all too much he pulled her on to his lap.

"I hate to see you cry, please don't." He held her so gently she relaxed .

When they reached the room she felt exhausted.. Grabbing a pillow and blanket he walked toward the living room.

"Stay, please.." She didn't want to be alone.  She watched him turn walking back into the room. The pillow and blanket hit the floor forgotten as he pulled her into his arms.

This is where he wanted to be, where he needed to be  in Wynter's arms with f her warm body up against his. He wanted to leave an imprint on every inch of her body so that she would always remember who she truly belonged too. He lifted her dress pulling it over her head ,.lace bra and panties were her only barriers.. He stood back and looked at her beautiful body he could never get enough of her. She had a hold on him that she didn't even realize. This trance was eternal.  Now he wanted to be in her feeling her body quiver as they made love. He grew hard at the simple thought.

"Take them off I want to see all of you." He watched with anticipation as she step back easing her panties down her long  shapley legs. She turned her back to him lifting her hair  he unhooked her bra and kissed the back of her neck  she turned and let it drop to the floor ...He pulled her into his arms. His lips meet hers in a passionate kiss that left them both breathless. Tonio lifted her  she wrapped her legs around his waist and he carried her to the bed. Laying her down he trailed kiss down her body .

Wynter felt as if her skin was on fire from his touch his lip branding her in her most intimate places until she screamed his name in release. The feel of his body finally joining hers made it impossible to think rationally as they came to a climax. She woke to an empty bed.. She rose pulling the sheet with her as she walked toward the living room . She heard Tonio speaking on the phone.." We're sharing a suite. She's sleep, Jason. ..Relax she's fine..I would never let anything happen to her. You should know that man. She means everything to me too. I said exactly what I meant. It is what is. Look when she wakes up I'll tell her to call you. " He ended the call not happy with Jason's interrogation.

Tonio looked up to see Wynter watching him. " That was Jason, we made the morning news ..." He picked up the paper walking it over to her..placing a kiss on her lips he lead her to the couch where he pulled her down on his lap as she read the story. At the end of the story was a picture of them leaving the BoomBoom Room....and another picture of Shannon leaving alone with a swollen eye. She couldn't help but laugh.."My coach called this morning too he was not happy at all especially with camp only two months away. "

"My phones been ringing non stop..for the last two hours ...reporters than Peter "...He rested his head on her shoulder .."I don't want to go to the studio today, I just want to stay here..with you."

"I'm not going anywhere." She said turning on his lap until they faced each other she placed her hand on his face loving the feel of his morning whiskers. "Promise you'll never leave me again Wynter ."

They rode in silence too the studio..She knew she had hurt his feelings.,but she didn't want to make a promise that she may not be able to keep. He gave her his card as promised and a kiss on her lips .The driver let her off in at Christian Sirirano boutique. She shopped for a couple hours and was going into the fourth boutique when she noticed a woman seemed to be following her. At first she thought it was her imagination until she caught the brown skin woman staring at her on several different occasions..She didn't look like a reporter so who was she? Deciding to turn tables on the woman. Wynter walked into the store and waited at the entrance as the woman entered. "Is there a reason your following me?"Wynter noticed the woman seemed startled at first but quickly recovered.

"Yes, my man." She knew this woman wasn't working with a full deck. She just sense that something wasn't right.

"What man.."

"Don't play stupid Wynter, Tonio is my man..and my suggestion to you is to head home."

Wynter did not take kindly to threats and this wako was not intimidating her."Look if he's yours he sure didn't act like it last night.' She looked The woman directly in the eye she wanted to make it clear to her that she was not playing.

"Well Wynter he is mine." The girl smiled closing the space between them. "My relationship with Tonio is a binding one. The kind that last until death do us part." It was then that Wynter noticed she was reaching in her bag. "Can I help you ladies." The sales girl asked interrupting the conversation. "No Thanks." They both said. The girl stood close checking the racks..

"How is it you know my name?" Wynter asked. She would never take her eyes off this woman. Something told her to be prepared for the unexpected with her especially the way she was fiddling with her bag.

"I keep up on my current on events and you and Tonio made the headlines today."Wynter watched her closely. "Look whatever your name is stay away from me."

"Wynter this is your one and only free pass..there won't be another Tonio is my man ask him he'll tell you about me." Wynter watch the crazy woman put on her dark glass as she prepared to exit she turned pointed her index finger and thumb like a gun and pulled the trigger. Wynter felt a sudden chill as goose bumps appeared...She called Bryant the driver to pick her up. As soon as he pulled up she waited for him to come around to open the door before she went out of the store. She moved quickly to the limo getting and locking the door. She leaned back taking a breath.. This shit was crazy and what wasn't Tonio telling her...He would definitely be explaining this one. She wasn't going anywhere.

Wynter's Circle (Interracial Romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora