Photo shoot

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Wakey, wakey kiddios!" Said Draco.
"I was up and ready an hour ago, we just need to get these two up."
"Why didn't you wake them up" said Draco.
"I'd like to see you try!"
"Wake up" said Draco gentle shaking Al and Scorpius.
*No response*
"Wake up!" Said Draco.
*Still no response*
"WAKE THE HELL UP!" Shouted Draco harshly shaking them.
"Let me try something."
"go ahead" said Draco.
"Well isn't it a shame I have to do the photo shoot without you two, guess i'll have the front page and all the fancy clothes all to myself!"
"I'm up! I'm up!" Said Al.
"Bleh" said Scorpius.
"Come on Scorps!" Said Al.
"Get a move on Rachle's going to be here in" said Draco.
"20 minutes, in 20 minutes!"
"Ok don't worry about looking amazing, she do you up when you do the shoot, just make yourself look presentable" said Draco leaving the room.
"Get ready then!"
"Don't look!" Said Al and Scorpius.
"Yet again, I don't want to!" I said Leaving the room.
*2 minutes later*
"Sometime this year lads."
"We're almost ready" said Al.
*3 minutes later*
"Come on you must be ready now!"
"You can come in now" said Scorpius.
"How long did you take, it felt like 15 minutes!"
"5 actually" said Scorpius.
"I swear you have the attention span and patience of a 4 year old" said Al.
"yes" said Al.
"You see this."
"Yes" he said.
"What is it."
"A comb" he said.
"Use it!" I said throwing it at him.
"Are you guys decent, can I come in" said Draco.
"Yeah" said Scorpius.
"Some of the crew are here so you need to come down now" said Draco as we went down stairs.
"Hey, these are my friends Al and Ti" said Scorpius.
"hey!" Said Al.
"Nice to meet you" said a tall Asian looking man with dark hair and eyes shaking our hands.
"Aren't you three adorable" said a short woman with tied up dark auburn hair with a little maroon red feather fascinator in it, also she's wearing a short pink and white dress with flowers on.
"I will make you three look fabulous!" Said a spanish looking man with a thin beard.
"Thanks" said Al.
"Hello everyone, I'm here now, Draco, Scorpius, looking dashing as ever and you two must be Albus and Titania" said Rachel, she's tall with very long straight dark brown hair, strong blue eyes, a pointy nose and she appears to wearing what looks like a beauxbatons uniform but in a red colour.
"Are you by any chance wearing a beauxbatons uniform."
"Oh yes, I only disapparated from france an hour ago, I spent christmas at beauxbatons this year" said Rachel.
"You are really good to be so successful at your age and balance school with work!"
"It's a struggle but I do it" said Rachel.
"Isn't the uniform blue" said Al.
"For most people it is but prefects get a red uniform, anyway let's get started" said Rachel.
"Do you want to do jumpers first" said a stylist standing by a racks of clothing.
"You three go over there to Kaisha, rest of you get your stuff ready for the jumper segment" said Rachel.
"So hello, i'm Kaisha and I'm head of the clothing department and going to help you pick out your clothes!" Said Kaisha, A tall woman with dark hair and skin.
"Cool, I'm... Well you know who I am, these are my friends Al and Ti" said Scorpius. Scorpius is never this talkative around adults, I guess he just used to these people and doing this.
"Ok, I've chosen you each five jumpers that I think will suit you, chose the one you like the best and that will be the one you model" said Kaisha. She gave each of us the jumpers and we looked through them. The 1st one was grey furry one with a candy cane on it, the 2nd one was a sparkly crimsons colour with a gingerbread man on it, the 3nd one was blue and furry, the 4th one was pink with two penguins, little white pom poms and little gold bells on it and the 5th one was green with red pom pom on it.
"I think I'll go with number 4."
"good choice, go to makeup now" said Kaisha.
"Hey, i'm Lindsey and i'm gonna do your hair and makeup so if just sit down i'll get started" she said. I took a seat and she put my hair in loose plaits and did my makeup. Lindsey put a cherry lippy and blush on me.
"Thank you it looks very nice, where should I go now."
"Go over to Rachel" said Lindsey.
"Hey Rache..."
"Bear with, bear with" said Rachel talking on the her phone.
"Sup" said Al and Scorpius strutting over from the makeup stall. Al's wearing a crimson and green jumper with gingerbread men and candy canes on it. Scorpius is wearing a dark blue jumper with a candy cane on it and his hair in a natural style.
"Angalo darling can you take this call me" said Rachel passing him the phone.
"Certainly!" Said Angalo.
"Well aren't you three cute as pie, Eugene come here!" Said Rachel.
"yes" said Eugene.
"How do you think we should position them" said Rachel.
"Ok, you three kids get on the set" said Eugene.
"What do we do now" said Al.
"Ummm, Blondey stand to the right of tifny and other kid stand to the left of her" said Eugene.
"You known me for most of my life, you know my name" said Scorpius.
"Why Tifny."
"So I'm just other kid" said Al.
"Good for you, link arms and look happy" said Eugene.
"Good, keep smiling and 1...2...3" said Rachel.
*Camera snap*
"Brilliant you three are very photogenic!" She said.
"Why thank you" said Al fancily.
"Do you guys want to do onesies now" she said.
"Yeah!" Said Al, scorpius and I going back over to Kaisha.
"I've already chosen one out for each of you I think you'll like them" said kaisha. I got a brown owl onesie, Scorpius got a white owl onesie and Al got a reindeer. I went to make up and Lindsey painted little feathers on mine and Scorpius's face and Red cheeks on Al's.
"Go in height order and lean on each others shoulders" said Eugene. I'm the tallest then it's Al, then Scorpius.
"I need to see those smiles! Eugene say something funny " Said Rachel.
"Something funny" said Eugene.
"Siriusly" said Rachel.
"Well they're laughing" he Eugene.
"That's better! 1...2...3" said Rachel.
*Camera snap*
"Amazing!" Said Anaglo.
"Could you fetch me a tea Anglo" said Rachel.
"Will do!" Said Angelo.
"You will love, love, love the next bit, party wear!" Said Rachel.
"Eeee!" Squealed Al, Scorpius and I.
"I've laid out your clothes, you'll really like them" said Kaisha. I got and short green silk dress with red ribbon round the middle. It's really pretty. I went over to get my makeup done.
"That dress really suits you!" Said Lindsey.
"Thanks!" She put my hair into a tight bun and placed a headband with green and red diamantes on it on me.
"All done, you look good!" Said Lindsey.
"You look nice" said Scorpius nervously.
"As do you." Scorpius is wearing green polo shirt with a red bow tie. Al's wearing blue polo shirt with a blue bow tie.
"You all look amazing!" Said Rachel.
"Ok, Al sit on that box and pull a cool looking pose, Scorpius if you just stand in a meter to the right of him" said Eugene.
"What should I do."
"I know this is awkward but can you hug Scorpius" said Eugene.
"I guess so..." Oh great. I awkwardly went to Scorpius and rapped my arms round him.
"Try to look like you mean it" said Eugene.
"Could we get some blush Lindsey" said Eugene.
"I don't think we need it" said Rachel. It's so easy to tell when Scorpius it blushing, his skins pale as the the moon.
"Awww" said Lindsey.
"1...2...3" said Rachel.
*Camera snap*
"Very good, very good! Al and Scorpius you can stay down here, Ti if you go up stairs to get ready" said Rachel.
"Because we're changing the set a bit and we need you to look surprised" said Rachel. So I walked upstairs into a spare room with Kaisha.
"What is next bit we're doing."
"Winter ball! You're gonna love, love, love your dress, I'm gonna let you get changed, call me in if you need any help" said Kaisha leaving the room. Oh my gosh this is the most beautiful dress i've ever seen. It's large Turquoise ball gown, the torso has little Diamantes all over it and the skirt is all puffy frilly. It also came with a diamond necklace, earrings and a pair of light Turquoise pumps with little diamond flowers on it.
"I'm changed!"
"Omg, omg you look like a little princess! Lindsey will be in, in a bit" said Kaisha.
"I'm here" said Lindsey stumbling through the door with a load of kit.
"I'll leave you to it" said Kaisha leaving the room. Lindsay began to curl hair and do makeup.
"All done!" Said Lindsey.
"I love what you've done to my hair!"
"Oooo, one more thing for the finishing touch" Said Linsey putting a snowflake tiara on my head.
"It's beautiful."
"Can come in" said Kaisha.
"Yeah" said Lindsey.
"Wow! You look amazing" said Kaisha.
"Heeey" said Eugene.
"How do you want me to walk down."
"Walk down and look surprised, hold yourself high and add a lil bit of swagger" said Eugene.
"Got it!"
"Good luck" they said leaving the room. Wow I look really pretty. I left the little room and walked the top of the stairs to see the room decorated like the Snow Ball out of Stranger Things. I hope I don't mess this up. So I began to walk down and I saw Scorpius look and me in awe.
"Wow, you look really, really nice" said Scorpius nervously. He's wearing a black tuxedo and Al's wearing a white tux.
"As do you and your blushing again" I giggled.
"Rocking that dress Ti" said Al turning round.
"Omg Al your hair!"
"I know my poor hair is being forced to be neat" said Al.
"If you three could look at the camera for sec" rachel.
"1...2...3" said Eugene.
*Camera snap*
"You three are so adorable I can't function!" Said Angalo.
"Thanks so very much, I've love shooting with you guys" said Rachel.
"Thanks for shooting with us, also do you want the clothes back."
"No, no you keep them, also if your Dad doesn't mind you keep the set out and have a little party!" Said Rachel.
"Wow, thanks" said Al.
"Nice meeting you two, must be off now, ta ta" said leaving the house with her entourage.
"Sooo did you guys, enjoy that" said Draco.
"Loved it! Also could we pleeeeease have mini party" said Al, Scorpius and I.
"Sure, but you have to help clear up after" said Draco.
*Us three give Draco a look of you know we won't do that*
"Well don't drop anything" said Draco
*Us three give Draco a look of you know we will do that*
"Just don't drink to much Pigmy pop" said Draco walking out laughing.
"You both are naturals at doing photo shoots" said Scorpius.
"Why thank you" said me and Al in unison.
"I can not express how amazing that dress is!" Said Al.
"I know right!"
"You guys could pass as twins" said Scorpius.
"Eww no" said Al and I.
"We are nothing alike" said me and Al.
"You sure about that" said Scorpius with sass.
"I guess we a little bit similar" we said giggling
"Scorpius you should have your hair naturally more often." I said Ruffling his hair.
"Your hair always looks like nice" said Scorpius.
"Aww thanks."
"Hey lovebirds do you want me to put some music" said Al.
"What do you want me put on" said Al.
"Just something boppy" said Scorpius. Albus cast something at the speakers at the side of room and they started playing a Jazzy pop song.
"Ti, do want a gingerbread newt" said Scorpius picking one of a table at the side of the room.
"Sure, thanks"
"I love Gingerbread" said Scorpius popping the biscuit in my mouth.
"I'll just get one for myself then" said Al under breath.
"I'm such a netflix addict."
"Sames!" Said Scorpius.
"Steve Harrington for mom of year."
"Milleven for life" said Scorpius. We mucked around a bit and danced until Al creeped over to the speakers and they started to play can you feel the love tonight.
"I can see what's happening and they don't have a clue They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line Our trio's down to two" sung Al.
"siriously!" Giggled Scorpius and I as we waltzed around the room, me Scorpius have got very close this year, maybe the closest we've ever been. I don't know why but Al seems to have a sad look in his eyes recently, he's always been inseparable from Scorpius but recently he's been distancing himself a little.
"You three need to get to bed it's already... F... FLIP IT'S 3am! Go to sleep you hyper lil pixies!" Said Draco. "Parenting 101" he laughed under his breath
"Okaaay!" We said laughing walking up stairs. By this point in holiday we aren't even using the beds any more we've just got all the pillows and duvets in the room and piled them over the floor. So we sat down on the river of pillows and put a Netflix film on. As the film went on I shuffled towards Scorpius and rested my head on his shoulder as we dozed off.

Harry Potter the next generation Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora