a new hope

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A/N: Please roast everything about this story in the comments. Just for some context Titantia is Rose, 13 year old me just didn't like that name for some reason. Also the characters David and Patrick where originally Dan and Phil     (😩🔫) it changes back to those names at some point as well. Also I changed the names of a couple of Harry Potter youtubers, so if you can spot them props to you(😩🔫). I can't burn this story so might as well bring all of you into my pain:

(prologue) Being apart of war is hard, but getting over war is harder, death doesn't just hurt one person, it hurts all the people around them and all the people who loved them; war is more than just fighting, war is seeing your friends, your family, the people you've known your whole life be killed, be hurt, have their life cut short. You can't just forget that kind of stuff, the look in their eyes play on your mind, your stomach sinks as you scream at yourself wishing you had done more. Done more to save them... Wanting to talk to them one more time, wanting to tell them how much you love them, how much they meant to you...
For years after the war, life was not easy; Harry had nightmares for ages, he blamed himself for all deaths, every time he had a headache, he had a panic attack in fear that Voldemort was back; He will always suffer from P.T.S.D. Hermione still had the scar Bellatrix carved in her skin. Ron missed Fred like hell. George didn't speak to anyone for months, he moved away for a long time after his twin's death; he was incomplete without Fred. All the Weasleys had holes in their hearts. Molly still sets a place at the table for Fread. Dennis will never forget his brother. Kingsley always has the missing members of The Order in his heart. Amos and Cho are still in pain over the loss of Cedric. Lavender claws her skin every full moon now and will always have scars engraving her skin. Draco scrubbed his arm every night desperately trying to remove the mark which taunted him of his dark past, he hid away from society, being too scared of what people would think he is still what he was back then. Teddy, little Teddy the orphan war created, Teddy who will never remember his parents, only hearing of them through stories. 
Although the war tore people apart, it also made people realize they were weak by themselves; they realized sitting in sadness was no way to respect the ones who lost their lives. After the war people began to get closer, the love in communities only grew stronger as time went on. Communities built up support groups, Shops were refurbished, bonds were reformed; and with death comes new life...
Soon after the war Bill and Fleur had beautiful baby daughter named Victoire. Harry got a job as a high ranking auror and Ginny got a place playing as a chaser for the Holyhead harpies. They got married four years after the war, in 2002, where they had a large wedding (which Luna and Hermione did most the planing for). A year or so later Harry and Ginny had rather... unexpected guest, his name was James Sirius Potter. Ron got a job as an auror but soon quit so he could help his brother run Weasley's wizard wheezes as George was now a single owner. Hermione got a job at the ministry but through the years worked her way to the top and in early 2002 she became co-minister of magic with Kingsley Shacklebolt. Ron and Hermione got married in the winter of 2003. Although George will never truly get over Fred's Death, he found love in his life, he married Angelina Johnson and had their son a couple weeks before James-Sirius was born, they named him Fred. Cho Chang married a muggle man and had a little boy, who she named Cedric Chang. Unfortunately, her husband broke up with her after he found out that she was a witch. Lavender got married to Pavarotti Patil who made her potions and remedies to help her with her transformations. Seamus and Dean started a family together. Draco got a job doing modeling and married the ministry official Astoria Greengrass. 
And Teddy, Teddy's doing just fine, although his grandmother Andromeda died soon after his birth, he had many people to look after him and of course the Weasleys and Potters were the ones to raise him. 
Sometimes the darkest times make the strongest love, a little bit off hope is all you need and eventually you'll make it through, love wins, always...

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