Titania Minerva Granger-Weasley(prologue)

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Ron and Hermione had a very happy marriage and in 2004 they tried for a baby but were unsuccessful for a while. Luckily in 2005, she managed to conceive a child. She gave birth to a little girl on the 28th of September. She was a small baby with large, deep eyes. They gave her the first name: Titania, the name of the fairy queen from the Shakespearean play, A Midsummer Night's dream, similar to her mother's name (Hermione) from the Shakespearean play A Winter's Tale. The name was one of both beauty, power and kindness; three things Ron and Hermione hoped to give their little girl.
Ron and Hermione decided on the middle name Minerva, the first name of their much loved Hogwarts Professor, McGonagall, who was their head of house, transfiguration teacher and now; a close family friend.
Finally, her last name was decided to be Granger-Weasley, the surname Ron and Hermione settled on when they got married. Titania Minerva Granger-Weasley was her name, it was a strong name for a hopefully strong girl.
When Mcgonagall found out that Ron and Hermione had named their child after her, her face lit up like they had never seen before.
Soon after Titania was born, Ginny and Astoria had their children, Ginny and Harry's being a little boy named Albus-Remus Potter after the Hogwarts headmaster Albus (Percival Wulfric Brian) Dumbledore, whom Harry immensely looked up to, and Remus Lupin, one of his father's best friends and Harry's DADA professor. Someone once suggested Ginny and Harry to call their child Severus after the dead Hogwarts professor Severus Snape, but they immediately said no to that as they would never name their baby after such a vile man. Astoria and Draco named their child (a little boy) Scorpius because, for one it's a generally awesome name and two because through their relationship they would sit outside and look at night sky, covered in constellations, they both particularly liked the Scorpion shaped one.
Although Draco and the others didn't get on well at school, they found there way through there differences as Hermione and Astoria were work colleges and often let their children play together at the pre-school in the ministry (built for the workers children).
As Albus, Scorpius and Titania grew older together they formed a magical bond that would last them a lifetime...

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