Hogwarts Express

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"ALL ABOARD! ALL ABOARD! TRAIN LEAVING IN TWO MINUTES!" Shouted the train conductor, a rather chubby fellow with rosy cheeks and a round face, he wore a top hat and smart coat (he rather resembles the one from the muggle TV show Thomas the Tank Engine).
Oh. My. Gosh. It's actually happening! Wow! Ok, it's happening, I'm really doing this. My heart is pumping, my cheeks are flushing, and I'm really doing this!
Swiftly, I said goodbye to my parents, who were reluctant to let me go, and, with a haggle of other excitable first years, I headed off to the steam pumping train, a well polished machine, which was a light scarlet color with a black smoke funnel and a long row of trailing carriages behind it.
Where should I go? There are so many carriages! Arrr, where did the boys go... Wow I've lost them already. Great.
I strolled around the train for a while, peering in the carriages as pondered along until, I looked into one of the compartments at the rear end of the train to find Albus and Scorpius. The Carriage had a large window with crimson curtains and red velvet checked seats. I sat by the window with Al and Scorpius next to me, the train started to move and we embarked on our journey!
"Ok I'm actually going to explode!"
"Me too!" Chuffed Al, trying to stuff his cases into the top of the compartment, without knocking Scorpius's stuff to the floor.
"I'm kinda nervous..." Whimpered Scorpius. Fiddling with his jumper nervously. I hate seeing Scorpius like this he gets, so worked up about things like this, he's not good with social stuff.
"Why?" Asked Al; pulling a concerned expression.
"What if I'm not in any classes with you two? I really don't want to be alone," sighed Scorpius.
"Don't worry, whatever happens we'll stay friends."
"What if people make fun of... well... my background" said Scorpius.
"Well, me and Al will just have to destroy them, with our amazing physical strength." I chuckled, tensing my non-existence Muscles.
"Scorpius just calm down, we have each other and that's all we need!" Said Al, plopping his arm round Scorpius's shoulder
"I hope no one comes looking for trouble..."
Then just as we got Scorpius to calm down, three girls strutted into our compartment.
"Well, speak of The Devil, and she shall appear" Al mumbled.
I immediately noticed that one of them was my cousin Dominique and honestly, I have a growing internal hate for her I'm beginning to dislike her. I'm pretty sure her emotional rage stretches to: Salty and Jealous. She spends more time rolling her eyes then using them for their actual purpose. Dominique is one of those people, who no one actually likes, yet has everyone falling at her feet. The second girl is Chellsi-Macailla Trainor, who looks virtually the same as Dominique, but with tan that could give Donald Trump a run for his money and ponytail that's so tight her hairline is receding. As you can guess her sole purpose in life is to find the the most powerful being and cling on to them for dear life. Then the third girl, Mackenzi Bane, is pretty much a walking sponsorship, I doubt she has one unbranded item on her body. Unlike the other girls, she has thick body frame, coffee shaded hair and an olive skin tone; also she is a metamorphmagus and chooses to have a less than subtle pair of Louis vuitton cat ears. Mackenzie has no discernable personality, but her Dad pays £2000 a month for her clothes alone. I pity my cousins Louis and Lucy having to be in the same year as them. Is it just me or are getting some mean girls/Heathers vibes from them.
Arrr not now...I just got Scorpius's settled. What fun!
"This'll be fun" Dominique scoffed, closing the door, then staring Scorpius as he recoiled into himself.
"Hey! Potter! Hey Potter, you really think your gonna be special round here do you, cute right. It's gonna be funny watching you trying to be a carbon copy of your brother. I'd say reach for your goals but you might need to lose fair few pounds for that, and let's forget your brother can't do what your 'famous' father did. Ooooh, the famous Harry Potter, blah blah blah, people will get bored of it eventually Potter. Your safe for now, but just wait, everyone will leave when your fame starts to fade," Mackenzie scoffed in a sadistic, mocking tone, sneering at Albus like a carnivorous beast, ready to pounce at its prey, at any second.
I could see the anger in Al's face growing rapidly other his hidden sadness from underneath his eyes.
"She's just doing this to intimidate you; don't give in." I whispered.
The three girls smirked at each other for a moment until Chellsi snared at Scorpius and said,
"Scorpius Malfoy init" she spat, Scorpius nodded sheepishly in reply. "Has like anyone ever told you you look like a ghost or somethin'. Your like proper pale. Are Voldemort's son something"
"Chellsi how did you know!" Dominique sniggered, clapping her hands.
"Picking on first years you, how mature! You really do now how to spend your time..." I snuffed, as Scorpius, Al and I let out a small giggle, upon seeing the disgusted look on Dominique's face.
"You have quite the attitude... Have you ever thought of letting vampire boy and fatty out your sight for more than a minute, it might do you some good; you could be more than whatever you are... What about you come with us for the rest of the journey" She said, looking me up and down.
"I rather jump window of the train then go with you!"
"Don't worry we didn't want you anyway" Mackenzie Sneared, as the other two laughed.
"We would appreciate it if you left now," I growled in a low voice.
"What if we don't, huh?" Chellsi grinned in cocky voice.
"Aww are you going to fight us?" Dominique remarked. Keep calm, keep calm, keep calm...
"GET OUT! Go back to your little gaggle of followers because before you know it they be gone... Hate to break it to you but highschool doesn't last forever!" The voice that came out of my mouth surprised me, let alone the other girls, you should have seen the looks on their faces!
"Ugh!" Dominique grunted, grinding her teeth.
The three of them swaggered out and slammed the door behind them.
"Ok what the hell just happened..."
"WOW Ti! I did not know you had that inside of you!" Al said in a surprised manor, as eyes widened.
"I didn't know either, haha," I muttered awkwardly.
"Wow... Thanks Ti! I really don't know how I'm supposed to survive if I'm not sorted into the same house as you two, I have about as much confidence timid panda" said Scorpius sorrowfully. Scorpius and Albus are both really kind, they don't deserve to be picked on and I'm sure if I hadn't said anything, they would have...eventually. Both of the boys tend to avoid conflict if they can. I on the other hand, I have a bit of a short fuse.
"OH! MY! GOSH! CHELLSI! How many times have I told you! PINK IS MY COLOUR" Dominique erupted from outside.
"What has the human race come to" I laughed, as the Al and Scorpius mocked them.
"So what house do you guys want to be sorted into?" Albus asked, fiddling with a weird tri shaped muggle machine, I'm not really sure exactly what it's supposed do, all it really does is spin round and round but Al seems quite fixated on it.
"Well, to be honest, I don't really want to be in Slytherin or Gryffindor; I don't want to be in the spotlight or in the middle of any house rivalries, I kinda like the sound of Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, I guess," Scorpius contemplated.
"Same here, I think Hufflepuff is really underrated, everyone says it's the boring house but I think it's really interesting, I mean, like the history of Helga Hufflepuff, plus Ted and Louis are in Hufflepuff" Albus added.
"I don't really mind, as long as you guys are happy with your houses and the hat does take your choice into account if you really want to be in a certain house." I don't think I would particularly belong Slytherin, I think I have a couple Ravenclaw traits and could be sorted into it, I suppose. I'm most likely to get Hufflepuff but if not I could be sorted into Gryffindor, as I like to think I'm quite outgoing, but I feel like Hufflepuff would be my home.
For a while we carried on talking about everything and nothing trying to pass the time, until there was a knock on the compartment door.
Swiftly, Scorpius slid the door open.
"Any sweets from the trolley dears?" Oh my gosh! It's About time!
"I'll just get a little something...Hmm, how about...Three pumpkin pasties, three chocolate frogs, a small packet of Bertie Botts every flavour beans, four liquorice wands, a cup of sherbet lemons, three Canary Creams, three small bottles of otters fizzy orange juice, a hand full of U-No-Poos, a bag of Dragon roasted nuts, a small pack of sugar hexes, one small tin of Glow in the Dark Gum, three gingerbread newts, three bars of wizochoc, six treacle fudge blocks, three Toffee Éclairs, three acid pops and three Sugar Quills please." I smiled, pulling out a small light blue purse covered in dark blue beads and diamantes.
"Do you want us to help you pay?" Al asked.
"Don't worry, it's on me."
"That will be 12 galleons dearie" smiled the Trolley Lady, as I gave her handful of glistening gold galleons.
"Just a light snack" I giggled, dumping a pile of sweets across the seats.
"Ti, Al you're so lucky; your family owns Weasley's Wizard Wheezes! Do you get free sweets?" Scorpius asked, almost dreamily.
"If they bring out a new sweet, they let us try it first," Al shrugged, scoffing down a fudge block.
"I'm sure we could get you some free stuff, if we ask."
"What chocolate frog card did you guys get?" Scorpius asked, preparing to catch his chocolate frog, as he opened his box.
"I got Al's dad..."
"And I got Ti's mum" Al chuckled.
"I got Dumbledore... Again" whined Scorpius, rolling his eyes. "You all have really cool parents that have their faces on chocolate frog cards" Scorpius mumbled disconcertedly.
"Well you'll probably have like half the school waiting to date you, plus, your dad is only a top model, ya know, nothing special," Albus commented sarcastically.
"Guess so... Ooooh that reminds me, at Christmas, we need some extra people for a photo shoot. We're advertising Rachel Skeeter's new line of Christmas wear, " Said Scorpius with swagger. Oh my gosh is he actually serious! Dream! Come! True!
"Oh my gosh! Yes! I'd love to!"
"Sounds cool," Al squinted, trying to sound calm and conceal his want to stand up squeal.
"By the way guys we're almost there now we should put our robes on!" I reminded everyone.
"I can't believe we are finally going to Hogwarts!" Al smile.
"I been waiting for this moment for so long."
"Sames, but I'm still having an internal panic attack... I really not prepared for Hogwarts... I could barely hold myself together in primary school" Scorpius sighed.
"We don't need to be preparing for Hogwarts. Hogwarts needs to be preparing for us!" Al hollard. Then with out and warning Al opened the window and shouted,
"Come on Scorpius you say something!" I encouraged.
"I'M AN EMOTIONAL MESS!!" Scorpius boomed.
"BIG MOOD!" I replied.
Maybe the sweets weren't such a good idea...

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