new years day shopping with Draco

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(New years day)
New years eve and day are usually pretty uneventful so we're going to go shopping today for school supplies.
Scorpius and Al are dead asleep so I might as well pull out my sharpies and draw mustaches on their faces. So I dug into the pack of sharpies that Dan got me and got the purple one, then I creeped over to them trying not make a noise and drew a perfect mustache on them.
"Happy new years guys" yawned Scorpius.
"2018 shall be are year."
"Ti did you draw a mustache on Scorpius" Al whispered to me.
"Yeah don't tell him."
"Did you draw one on me" said Al.
"Oh, no no no."
"Ti did you draw a mustache on Al" Scorpius whispered to me.
"Yeah don't tell him."
"Did you draw one on me" said Scorpius.
"Oh, no no no."
"We're leaving in half an hour" shouted Draco from down stairs.
"Hurry up you two"
"I just need to do my hair" said Scorpius.
"Don't do that" I said trying to stop him from going into the bathroom but it was too lait.
"Ti, come here" said Scorpius.
"I am rocking this tash!" said Scorpius.
"I dare you to go round town with it on!"
"Hell no!" Said Scorpius.
"Don't tell Al."
"Let's see how long it takes for him to notice" giggled Scorpius.
"Some time this year kiddos!" Said Draco form down stairs.
"Hold your horses were coming!" Said Scorpius as we ran down and scrambled into the car.
"I love this car" said Al.
"I'll buy you one when you're old enough to drive" said Draco.
"Really!" Said Al in shock.
"Of course!" Said Draco.
"Wow thanks!" Said Al.
"Do you wanna get a meal while we're out" said Draco.
"Sure" said Scorpius.
"Sounds good" said me and Al.
"Looks likes we're almost there!" Said Scorpius. It's funny how Draco's notist Al's sharpie tash but hasn't said anything, I think he's learnt it's best not question us three weirdos.
"Oh I do love the snow."
"Oh you do have a posh voice" said Al and Scorpius
"Hey!" I said Nudging them.
"She's just articulate" said Draco parking up.
"How very articulate" said Al and Scorpius in a posh voice jumping out of the car.
"I've got your lists here, don't lose them, Al and Scorpius in Flourish and Blotts, Ti I need to give something to you so stay here" said Draco.
"What do you need to give me."
"As you know Scorpius's mother has been in poor health, recently it has gotten a lot worst, you meant a lot to her and she wanted me to give you this, don't open it now or tell Scorpius about it, I don't want him to get worried" said Draco handing me a little passel wrapped in pink tissue paper. I've been quite close with Astoria, she's always been very kind to me.
"Thank you" I said as we when into the shop.
"Ok, first we need to find copies of fantastic beasts and where to find them and The Encyclopedia of Bat Eyes" said Scorpius.
"Found them!"
"Tick, tick" said Scorpius.
"Ti, is that Amelia and Emerald" said Al.
"Oh my gosh hi!" I said running over to them.
"It feels like forever since we've seen you!" Said Amelia.
"I know right! Thanks for presents."
"To you to" they said.
"Apologies in advance, here they come" said Emerald.
"For what, who's co..."
"Hey sweet cheeks" said two boys winking and doing finger guns at me.
"Go help mum and dad or something" said Emerald.
"Rather not" they laughed.
"Am I right in thinking you are... Rico and Katie."
"Almost, it's Ritchie and Kato" said Emerald.
"How do you not know are names you've been going to school with us for four months" they said.
"Don't be offended I forget every bodies name."
"Seriously can you two go now!" Said Emerald.
"Ok, ok don't get your knickers in a twist, also Ti hit me up on Lumos chat" they said walking away.
"I didn't know you guys were related."
"Sadly we are" said Emerald.
"Where's Amelia gone."
"Never take your eye of a bookie in a book shop" said Emerald.
"Let's hunt her down!"
"She's probably in the fiction section reading Percy Jackson" said Emerald.
"Found the fiction she shall be here somewhere."
"Amelia! Amelia! Come out from wherever you are!" Said Emerald.
"Found her" Is said pointing to her crippled up on bean bag.
"What you reading" said Emerald.
"Shadower hunters" said Amelia.
"I think i'll join you."
"Sames" said Emerald sitting down with us.
"So what did you guys get for christmas."
"I got another cat" said Amelia.
"Number 27" said Emerald.
"Well thank you for helping us find the books, we're going now" said Al sarcastically.
"Bye guys, see you at school" I said hugging them.
"Byeee!" They said. As I walked out the shops.
"You guys have so many books!" Said Draco, loading them into a satchel.
"We'll probably get a ton of homework next term" said Al.
"Speaking of homework did you get any holiday homework" said Draco.
"Noooooo..." We said.
"Well if you do, don't leave it till the last minute" said Draco.
"Oh yeah, we'd never do that" said Al sarcastically.
"We just need need pop into Madam Malkin's to buy some polo shirts" said Draco walking into the shop.
"Rachel should have put you two in old fashioned dress robes" I said pointing at a pair shaggy and frilly dress robes.
"Over my dead body" they said.
"If I could just measure you three for you father" said a tall thin woman with grey hair in a bun and a pointy nose and chin wearing a tight purple dress. She whipped out her wand and a tape measure appeared and measured us. "There you go i'll be right back with the shirts" she said.
"If you guys want i'll buy you guys something in here" said Draco.
"Seriously!" Said Draco, how amazing can Draco get.
"Scorpius, your dad is amazing" said Al.
"I guess so" laughed Scorpius.
"Can I get that" I said pointing a colour changer tye-dye shirt.
"Sure!" he said Taking it down from the shelf
"What do you two want"
"I'll have these please" said Al Holding pair of trousers with braces on and and handful of little bow ties.
"This looks nice" said Scorpius picking up an electric blue shirt with text saying hey there mr.bluesky.
"Good choices, I might find myself borrowing one of those swanky bow ties, they would add a colourful expression to my simply monochrome attire" said Draco.
"Now I see where Ti gets her poshness from" said Scorpius.
"We are just articulate!" Said me and Draco.
"Can I buy these please" said Draco piling the cloths on the counter.
"That will be 50 gallons please sir" said the cashire as Draco gave her the money and we left the shop.
"I should have bought a coat out today, It's beginning to get very cold."
"You can borrow mine" said Scorpius putting his coat over my shoulders.
"Aww thanks."
"I'm cold too" said Al.
"Oh take a hoodie out the bag, I packed a couple" said Draco.
"Thanks..." Said Al taking one out.
"Why are you smelling it."
"I like the smell laundry detergent Scorpius washes his clothes in" said Al sheepishly.
"Each to their own."
"All of you keep your heads down, be quiet and walk quickly for second" said Draco.
"Malfoy!" Said a tall good looking man with ensemble of large men trailing behind him, blocking our path.
"Flint" said Draco.
"Oh, great" said Scorpius.
"If you wouldn't mind i'm in a rush and I must be going" said Draco.
"You certainly have got yourself a little posse there" said Flint.
"Emphasis on the little" grunted one of Flints men.
"We could name you mother of the year" said Flint.
"Well that's more than anyone can say for you" said Draco.
"And so he shall, be and he is the best mother you could get, now if you would mind please leave."
"Stay out of it" said Draco firmly.
"Ooo look the lady can talk" said Flint.
"How very observant of you."
"Look go back to your knitting and stop trying to be so smart, leave that to us men" said Flint.
"Excuse me!"
"Can you not talk to her like that" said Scorpius.
"Now the carbon copy of mouth face is trying to stick up for his little sister!" Said Flint.
"Little sister!"
"Guys calm down" said Al.
"Listen to mousey one" said Flint.
"Let's go" said Draco.
"Not so fast!" said Flint.
"Kids go into the cafe!" Said Draco.
"Don't let them, there's something I need to show you" said Flint.
"Let them go!" said Draco.
"Do you want to see what your loving father actually is!" Said Flint grabbing Draco's arm.
"Let go or I will cast at y..." Said Draco.
"Expelliarmus!" Casted Flint, blasted the wand out of Draco's hand.
"GET OFF!" Shouted Draco trying to get away but they had a tight grip on him and us.
"Your beloved Draco is a dirty death eater, put that on the front of your magazines!" Said Flint yanking down the Draco's sleeve to reveal a snake like tattoo. "That there is there is the mark of the dark lord!" Said Flint shaking Draco's arm and pushing him to the ground.
"I suggest you go on with your perfectic lifes now and stop bothering us now."
"Watch your tongue" said Flint.
"Just leave it mate" said a tall muscular man.
"Shout your mouth Goyle" said Flint walking away.
"Are you alright."
"Never mind me are you three alright!" Said Draco. After that we popped in to raven ink a stationary shop and then went into McWiz's for dinner.
"Omg finally, I am dying of hunger right now!" said Al running into the restaurant. The restaurant had a wild west vibe to it and had 60's music playing.
"Let's sit here" said Draco.
"You alright Scorpius" said Draco
"I'm fine..." Said Scorpius knowing he was less fine then ever.
"That's all in past and you don't need to worry about it" said Draco.
"I'm not worried, i just think you shouldn't have to put up with people like flint" said Scorpius.
"Oh don't be worried about me, I think he's going through a difficult time in life at moment" said Draco.
"Like what" said Al.
"Well I heard he just divorced from his husband and his husband took custody of his kid, I think the kids in your year" said Draco.
"What's the kid's name"
"Caden I think" said Draco.
"Oh Caden Flint-wood, I thought he seemed a bit down recently"
"Flint also lost his quidditch job" said Draco.
"Still doesn't excuse him for doing that" said Al.
"He hasn't changed he was never pleasant at school" said Draco.
"Are you ready to order" said the waitress, who was wearing a cowgirl costume and holding a notepad with an enchanted quill.
"Yeah, i'll have a seafood salad please" said Draco.
"I'll have a triple bacon, chicken burger please" said Al.
"I'll have the soup of the day please" said Scorpius.
"Ummmm.... I'll have seafood pasta please."
"Those will be ready in a bit, and may I say your children are very polite sir" said the waitress walking off.
"Can you just adopt me already" said Al.
"I would, but I think you parents would approve" laughed Draco.
"I doubt they'd even notice" said Al.
"I'm sure they love you" said Draco.
"Again doubt it" scoffed Al.
"Here's your food" said the waitress putting the levitating plates on the table.
"Thank you" we said.
"Wiiss isa azing" grumbled Al with a mouth full of burger.
"Ti please translate" said Draco and Scorpius.
"This is amazing." I have learnt how translate Al's food gumbles.
"I liveh oor acoonn" spluttered Al.
"He said he lives for bacon." We talked for a bit and ate are meals, we would have left to go but it started to snow so we stayed for longer to avoid the storm outside.
"Al I'm sure you parents aren't that bad" said Scorpius.
"Yeah not to Lil and J. But to me it's a different story" said Al.
"Well your welcome to come round ours any time" said Draco.
"And when the weather's better we can just camp in forest near the burrow."
"You parents never were that friendly to me in school, I tried to be there friends but they turned me down, twisted my words and made me look bad" said Draco.
"How flippin dare they" said Al.
"Things will get better, I promise" said Scorpius giving him a warm smile.
"Thanks" said Al lightly blushing.
"It looks like the snows stopped, let's make a move" said Draco as we stood up and left the restaurant.
"Scorpius, you've got a bit of food on your face."
"Where" said Scorpius.
"I'll get it of" I said awkwardly whipping it of his chin.
"How about you just kiss it of his face and take all his stupid jumpers, go ahead i'm not even hear!" raged Al running off.
"Just let him be alone for a second, you two need to be more considerate of Al your making him feel pretty left out" said Draco
"Wait here I'll get him." Albus often has moments like this, I'm the only one who can sort him out in situations like this, as he doesn't like anyone else to see him in that state. I looked around for a bit until I found him in a dark alley talking to a creepy old wizard with a crooked nose.
"Go away!" Said Al.
"What so you can talk to that creepy dude who's weirdly staring at us."
"You'll find his name is..." Said Al.
"It's Dirt" said the old guy.
"Me and... Dirt were having a conversation before you butted in!" Said Al.
"Scuse me miss would ya be interested in buying a bat's eye fifty percent off" said the old guy.
"Look my new friend dirt is of a high trade! And he doesn't flirt with his cousin's best mate!" Said Al.
"Well dirt is weirdo and you are coming with me now."
"Why should I!" Said Al Stubbornly.
"Because I'm stronger than you and will pick you up and lift you back into the high street if you do not come with me now!"
"Ugh!" Said Al following me out.
"Sit." I said patting the bench. "Ok what's going on."
"I just feel like kjvnkjegovnkvjwrnb..." He jumbled in one breath.
"Ok calm down, say one thing at a time."
"I just feel really unwanted, by you and Scorpius by my parents by people at school" said Al.
"First of all, after a while people will start to notice you as an individual and if things are really that bad at home you can always stay round Scorpius's or mine, my parents aren't usually at home so we should hang round mine more."
"I wouldn't mind camping out more when it gets to the easter holidays" said Al.
"It'll be too cold to camp but at the end of the summer Lucy and Louis and I went out on walk and we found big old caravan that looked like it was from the 80's or something."
"It's probably falling apart and filthy" said Al.
"It was a bit dirty but wasn't in bad shape, with a bit of magic and decoration it can be our own little hide away."
"That actually doesn't sound too bad!" Said Al.
"Secondly me and Scorpius aren't going out or anything we've just got a lot closer this year."
"You two flirt with each over so much!" Said Al.
"Do not!"
"Likely story" He scoffed.
"Well we don't mean to be and we'll try not to!"
"Thirdly what's going on at school."
"A lot older kids and teachers never call me Al and just call me Potter's kid or Weasley's kid" said Al.
"Just stand your ground and say it's Albus."
"I don't like people calling be Albus, I like Al or Albie, it's something about me which I choose because they don't like calling me Al or Albie" said Al.
"Well then stand tall and say my name is Al!"
"Some of the older kids say i'm not right and i'm not normal and I'm disapointment" said Al.
"You don't need to listen to them, your better then them, if things get really bad tell ted and he'll short them out."
"As well as people at school my parents think I'm a failure, a disappointment, not as good as my siblings, why should I even bother!" He said.
"Look, as soon as your 16 you don't have to have anything to do with them and until then you can stay with Scorpius."
"That will be hard as you never stop flirting with each other" he said.
"We don't flirt! We have just got significantly closer this year!"
"Do you mind not be SO close to him" he said.
"Yeah, i'm sorry we shouldn't third wheel you."
"It's fine" puffed Albus. "I don't even know why exist, I just get in everyone's way, I'm a failure, i'm not as good as everyone else, I don't know why I bother" huffed Al.
"No Al, you are strong, amazing, hansom, smart, a loyal friend, the list could go on, do not give up on yourself! You! Are! Loved! Don't forget it"
"Thanks, that really means a lot" said Al.
"Now we've got ourselves sorted we should be going back to Scorpius and Draco." I said as Al and I began to walk back to others.
"Omg are you alright Al, I've been really worried!" Said Scorpius.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm alright" said Al trying to act tough, whipping his eyes.
"I think we should be going back now" said Draco. So we went back to the car and had a bit of an awkward drive home. When we got back we slumped on couch and had a chat.
"Will you three stop being such teenagers! Lighten up a bit, you've all grown up too fast" laughed Draco
"You two were so cute as toddlers."
"I loved babysitting you when you were little, mind your parent were not keen to let me" said Draco.
"Well they were wrong to think that, i'd rather spend all holiday here" said Al.
"I think they think I'm a bad influence" said Draco.
"I thought you got on with our parents."
"We're civil with each other, but we don't always see eye to eye" said Draco "Anyways, it's getting late now! You guys better get to bed now" he said
"Night" we said as we scrambled up stairs and into the floor bed. We went to went to bed almost immediately.
Al shouldn't have to put up with this, he's amazing person and people keep letting him down and I feel partly guilty, I think me and Scorpius have been to close recently and it's unfair on Al. At Least Al will talk to me about his problems, whereas Scorpius bottles it all up. Overall it's been a very good holiday and our bond has got even stronger, I'm quite glad to be going back to school in a couple days, I missing people.

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