Midnight Stroll

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 I spent the next few days trying to figure out anything and everything I could about not just the Hidden but these prophecies. I didn't learn much of importance, but I did learn more about the Hidden and how they became scarce. The Norther continent was known for many things, none of them seemed good. The Hidden had a power that they desired to possess, so they literally hunted down as many Hidden as they could and tried to find some way to extract this ability from them by experimenting on them. The Hidden seemed to believe this was the main result of their near extinction. They pleaded with other Kings of the other regions but nothing came of it. Ultimately most of them opted to leave their world and settle somewhere among the stars. Some stayed though, and that is what led them to eventually be used in the war that the previous Kings found themselves in. The northern King held a few Hidden captive, and use them to get the upper hand on the Kings.

However it seemed those Kings were too smart, and they were much stronger when they stuck together. Of course I had to come out of my hidden spot to look for the books on the last war. I wanted to be sure I knew all I could know, maybe there was something there that others overlooked.

The only time I left the Library was to attend to dinner time kitchen duties that I had been given. Of course I refused to deliver food to the Royal family, what if I saw him again? I don't know what exactly would happen but I was sure it most likely wouldn't be anything good. But it was suppose to be, right? I shrugged it off and stayed in the kitchen till dinner was done, then I cleaned up and ate the meal that was made for me. I noted the few kitchen girls who often served the royals talking as they washed their plates.

"It's a been a while since the King called on you Yuna." A pretty blonde stated to another blonde haired girl. They looked young, younger than I was anyway. Visually we looked around the same age, but I'd always looked younger. In truth I envied those like Sapphire and Pearl who looked their ages. Not a one of the others considered me to be the same as Pearl, Citrine, and Sapphire. No they thought of me as younger, because I looked younger. As I watched the girls interact I thought how nice it was to be near Pearl, Sapphire, Tourmaline, and Ruby again.

"He's just busy with all this stuff that's going on. He'll be back in my bed before long I'm sure." The girl replied to the other. I didn't care for their conversation and I wasn't trying to listen in but they were being very loud about it.

It made me wonder who they were speaking about. It wasn't my business though..

"He'll find his mate in time though, his brothers have found theirs. Aren't you worried it's not you?" The second girl asked.

"Nope, we were only having fun. I'll always be in his head though I'm sure. I'm the best he's had according to him." She grinned from ear to ear as she spoke. I finished what was left on my plate and I waited for them to move so I could wash my plate and get back to the library.

"Oh. We're in her way." She smiled as she saw me and moved to the side a ways. I was thankful.

"Thank you, you didn't have to." I replied to her action.

"It's fine, we were done here anyway." She smiled and her and her friend walked off as they chatted a bit more between them.

I cleaned my plate and made my way back to the library where I closed myself off in the little room again. I got right back to reading and making notes of things I found that might be of interest. Also things that were in reference to things that might be in the books in this library.

I dozed off at some point, and woke up to a sheet of parchment attached to my face. I apparently drooled a little as I slept. As I pulled it off I stood to stretch in the little space I had. Thankfully I could stand, I just couldn't stretch my arms up over my head without knocking my hands on the ceiling of the little room.

Dragon Kings: The Youthful King✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang