The Expo

12 1 0

San Fransokyo

Katie and Matt walk into the building wheeling their garbage cans, “Wow, a lot of sweet tech here today,” Matt says looking around, “How are you feeling?”

“You’re talking to an ex-bot fighter,” Katie replies, “It takes a lot more than this to rattle me.”

“Yep, she’s nervous,” Keith says from behind them.

“Oh, you have nothing to fear, little gal,” Lance says.

“Oh, she’s so tense,” Allura says.
“No, I’m not,” Katie protests.

“Relax, Katie!” Allura exclaims, “Your tech is amazing.  Tell him, Keith.”
“Stop whining.  Woman up,” Keith says matter-of-factly.

“I’m fine!” Katie exclaims.

“What do you need?  Deodorant?  Breath mint?  Fresh pair of underpants?” Hunk asks.

“Underpants?  You need serious help,” Keith says looking back at Hunk.

“Hey, I come prepared,” Hunk says defending himself.

“I haven’t done laundry in six months,” Lance says, “One pair lasts me four days.  I go front, I go back, I go inside out.  Then I go front and back.” 

Everyone looks at Lance in disgust, “Wow.  That is both disgusting and awesome,” Shiro says.

“Don’t encourage him,” Keith says.

“It’s called recycling,” Lance protests.

Suddenly the PA system turns on, “Next presenter, Katie Holt.”

The lights dim and a spotlight shines on Katie’s spot, ‘Oh, yeah.  This is it,” Lance says climbing off the stage.

“I guess I’m up,” Katie says nervously.

“Okay, photo, photo!” Allura exclaims, “Everybody say, Katie!”  Allura takes a quick picture before they break apart, “We love you, Katie.  Good luck!”

“Don’t mess up,” Keith says taking a garbage can.

“Break a leg,” Hunk says walking away.

“Science, yeah!” Lance shouts walking away.

“You got this, kid,” Shiro says taking his can away.

“All right, sis,” Matt says holding out his fist, “This is it.  Come on, don’t leave me hanging.”  When Katie doesn’t respond, Matt walks around to look her in the eye, “What’s going on?”

“I really want to go here,” Katie says solemnly.

“Hey.  You got this,” Matt says before nudging Katie up on stage.

Katie walks into the spotlight and sees that there are very few people in front of her stage.  “Uh…Hi.  My name is Katie…” feedback echoes through the room causing everyone to flinch.  “Sorry.  My name is Katie Holt, and I’ve been working on something that I think is pretty cool.  I hope you like it.”  Katie reaches down and puts on the neural transmitter.  “This is a microbot.” Katie freezes seeing one man walk away.  She looks over to Matt.

“Breathe,” he whispers telling her to calm down.

Katie takes a deep breath, “It doesn’t look like much, but when it links up with the rest of its pals…” the garbage cans around the room open and millions of mircobots swarm towards Katie’s stage, “…things get a little more interesting.”  People start gathering around Katie’s stage and she smiles.  “The microbots are controlled with this neural transmitter.”  She pulls it off her forehead and the microbot structure come crashing to the ground as the crowd looks on, amazed.  “I think what I want them to do…” Katie says making the microbots form into a hand.  “They do it.  The applications for this tech are limitless.  Construction.  What used to take teams of people working by hand for months or years, can now be accomplished by one person.  And that is just the beginning.  How about transportation?” Katie asks stepping off the tower and allowing the microbots to catch her.  “Microbots can move anything anywhere, with ease.”  The microbots roll along the ceiling as Katie hangs upside down and gives Matt a high-five.  “If you think it, microbots can do it.  The only limit is your imagination.” Katie returns to the stage and walks down a microbot staircase, “Microbots!” she exclaims as the crowd cheers.

“Nailed it!” Matt exclaims as he runs towards her.  Katie jumps off the stage and the two do a handshake.

“Great job!” Shiro says giving Katie a high five.

“You did it!” Allura exclaims running over.

“Not bad!” Keith says following her.

“Yeah!” Lance exclaims running over, “You just blew my mind, dudette!”

“They loved you,” Allura says giving Katie a hug, “That was amazing!”

“Yes,” a man says from behind the group, “With some development, your tech could be revolutionary.”

“Alistair Krei!” Katie says recognizing the man.

“May I?” Mr. Krei asks.  Katie hands him a microbot which he examines closely, “Hmm.  Extraordinary.  I want your microbots at Krei Tech.”

“Shut up,” Katie says looking at him in awe.

“Mr. Krei is right,” Professor Callaghan says walking over to the group, “Your microbots are an inspired piece of tech.  You can continue to develop them, or you can sell them to a man who’s only guided by his own self-interest.”

“Robert, I know how you feel about me,” Mr. Krei says, “but it shouldn’t affect…”

“This is your decision, Katie,” Professor Callaghan says, “But you should know Mr. Krei has cut corners and ignored sound science to get where he is.”

Mr. Krei sighs, “That’s just not true.”

“I wouldn’t trust Krei Tech with your mircobots, or anything else,” Professor Callaghan says glaring at the businessman.

Mr. Krei takes a deep breath, “Katie, I am offering you more money than any 14-year-old could imagine.”

Katie looks between the two men. “I appreciate the offer, Mr. Krei, but they’re not for sale.”

“I thought you were smarter than that,” Mr. Krei says before walking away, “Robert.”

“Mr. Krei,” Matt says stopping the man, “That’s my sister’s.”

“Oh.  That’s right,” Mr. Krei says returning the microbot before walking away.

“I look forward to seeing you in class,” Professor Callaghan says handing Katie an envelope.

The group walks out of the exposition hall cheering.  “Unbelievable!” Lance exclaims.

“That’s what I’m talking about,” Hunk says.

“All right, geniuses, let’s feed those hungry brains,” Aunt Cass says, “Back to the café!  Dinner is on me!”

“Yes!” Lance exclaims, “Nothing is better than free food!"

“Aunt Cass?” Matt says stopping, “We’ll, uh…We’ll catch up, okay?”

“Sure.  I’m so proud of you,” Aunt Cass says hugging the two, “Both of you.”

“Thanks, Aunt Cass,” They both say.
“Shiro, make sure they stay out of trouble,” Aunt Cass says before walking back over to the rest of the group.

Matt and Shiro lead Katie over to a spot on the bridge overlooking the robotics building.  “I know what you’re going to say,” Katie says before imitating Matt, “I should be proud of myself because I’m finally using my gift for something important.”

“No, no.  I was just gonna tell you your fly was down for the whole show,” Matt says seriously.

“Ha-ha-hilarious,” Katie says before looking down at her pants, “What?”
Siro laughs, “Welcome to nerd school, nerd.”

Katie smiles, “Hey, I, um…I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you, both of you.  So, you know, thanks for not giving up on me.”

Suddenly the three of them hear alarms and people screaming.  They sprint over and see the Expo Hall is on fire.  Matt runs over and helps a lady up, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah.  I’m okay,” She says, “But Professor Callaghan is still in there.”

Shiro and Matt share a look before running towards the building.  Katie grabs Matt’s sleeve, “Matt, no!”

Matt looks at Katie sadly, “Callaghan’s in there.  Someone has to help.”  Matt pulls free and he and Shiro run into the burning building.  Katie looks around frantically before realizing that Shiro left his hat.  She picks it up before stepping towards the building.  As Katie walks the building explodes throwing her backwards.

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