chapter fourteen. flames

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"Wh-what are you apologizing for? I'm... hey," His face fell at her sad state. Placing his fingers under her chin, he tilted her head up and used his thumb to wipe off her tears. "We're gonna be okay, alright?"

Ellie exhaled deeply to calm herself and it was starting to work once he smiled softly. She wiped the tears off her face and then gave him a faded smile. "The highway."


"Let's go to the highway. Where we left all those supplies for Sophia?" Ellie told him and he nodded, remembering the day he helped Carol put the canned food up on the car. "I think that's where everyone would be."

"Okay, to the highway."


Eleanor sighed in relief once she spotted the familiar faces. Jax quickly stopped the car and got out just as quick, running to his father, Eleanor slowly making her way out, her side slightly burning.

The two quickly embraced, Jax then hugging his mother, the woman sobbing quietly. Once Rick spotted Ellie in front of him, he brought her into a tight hug, her wrapping her arms around him just as tightly.

She pulled back and the two had a conversation with their eyes. Ellie nodded her head and he mimicked her actions, the moment going unnoticed to everyone around them.

Ellie then hugged Lori tightly, the woman smiling against her shoulder. As she pulled away, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion once she didn't see a certain someone. "Where's your dad?"

The girl shook her head and avoided eye contact, not being able to see Lori's reaction. Ellie untangled herself from Lori's arms and walked away from the group and to the car that her and Jax drove in.

She watched as the group talked among themselves, probably figuring out where to go next.

Ellie looked down at her nails, seeing the blood of her father under them, dried up. In fact, his blood was all over her. Placing her clammy palm over her cheeks, she started to wipe away harshly, making sure to get all the blood out.

She suddenly heard groans of a walker and jumped up in fear, seeing one walk right in front of the car. Opening the door, she gripped her knife tightly, her feet moving faster than her head and before she knew it, the knife was in it's brain, the groaning stopping.

Ellie pulled the knife out and huffed, almost everyone's eyes on her.

"We can't stay here." Carol stated with a timid voice.

"No shit, Sherlock." Ellie mumbled, walking over to the group and stopping right next to Rick.

"Let's get into the cars. I think I have an idea on where to go." Rick said before he started to walk off, Ellie watching him as he did.

All she hoped was that he kept his promise of keeping the group safe.


They drove for about six long hours before he cars suddenly stopped, Rick telling everyone he had no gas.

Once Ellie stepped out from the car, chills ran up her body when the wind blew through her coat she was wearing. She looks up at the sky, and she guessed in about an hour the sun would begin to set, and they still haven't found shelter. She sighs shakily at that, looking around her to see if they could settle here for the night.

"You out?"

"Running on fumes." Rick replied.

"We can't all fit in two cars." Glenn pointed out.

"We're gonna have to make a run for gas in the morning."

"Spend the night here?" Ellie spoke out, running her hands up and down her arms in an attempt to warm herself up.

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