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// 8:25 AM

━━YOU FINISHED DOING THE CHORES YOU willingly and unnesscarily took, so you went back to your classroom.

The school bell had just rung signalling for classes to almost start. Almost like a preparation.

Of course, as Class Representative, Iida stood up from his seat and settled the class to which Bakugou had just to reply harshly.

It was a normal thing to do every morning so you headed back to your seat which was in between Bakugou and Kaminari.

(A/N: Let's pretend Jirou sits somewhere else:'>)

"Hey Bakugou! How are you?" You politely greeted him after greeting Kaminari thoughtfully.

Your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shota, was always unsuprisingly late. But it wasn't as if you guys complained though.

So, taking advantage of that, everyday, you were always determined to strike up a conversation to the hot head.

"Fuck off dollface." Bakugou replied back hitting your head with a ruler.

However shockingly, it held a soft but more of a harsh tone. It was as if he did want you to talk to him.

"Aww, don't be such a kill joy Bakugou." You teased.


"Oh no. Calm down Bakugou, I was kidding. It's only just the first start of the day." You laughed nervously patting his shoulder.

And much to his unknown satisfaction, your touch did seem to calm his nerves.

So once your hand left his shoulder, a part of him already yearned for more.

Brushing it off, he turned to look at the door that opened to reveal Aizawa.

"Let's do great today~!" You cheered showing a very much motivational smile that jabbed the poor boy in the heart.

Bakugou clicked his tongue looking away hiding his blush.

. . .

Third period came and that was Japanese History.

"Today, I will be giving you a Duo Assignment where you will be giving a brief introduction of our next lesson: The Heian Period. This is due until next Monday." Your Japanese History teacher said.

"Here are your assigned partners."

Names were soon then called until you heard your name along with someone elses.

"Y/N L/N and Katsuki Bakugou." Your teacher says before continuing to call other names.

Bakugou's lips turned into a scowl while you happily grinned widely after gasping.

"You hear that Bakugou? We get to be partners!!" You squealed in excitement.

You were overly thrilled having the boy as your partner.

It will truly be a great oppurtunity to bond and be closer with him.

However, Bakugou's reaction was the exact opposite from yours.

Sure he was happy to have you as his partner since he gets to spend time with you more but what if he wouldn't be able to concentrate?

He mentally slapped himself as he kept on reninding himelf to get his shit together.

"You better take part with this shit or else I'll beat your sorry ass for it." He lightly bonked your head with his ruler again.

But before you could reply, Kaminari beat you to it.

"In which way Bakugou~? Hmm?" He chuckled before laughing hard with Mineta.

You both flushed in red hue.

You both flushed in red hue

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"SCREW OFF DUNCE FACE." Bakugou exclaimed before throwing more insults making the pair laugh again.

"Mineta, Kaminari!"

The teacher scolded making Bakugou smugly smirked showing a rude finger while you stifled a laugh.

"Your house?" You suggested.

"Yeah sure." He successfully answered without stuttering out of embarassment.

. . .

After immense support and motivation from Kirishima, Bakugou had fucking finally gathered his cool and courage.

You planned to do it as soon as possible so you proposed to start the work today, since the both of you were free after school.

Basically it will just be the both of you together alone walking to his house.

Just the thought of it already warmed Bakugou both in the inside and outside. But of course, with his rough exterior, it wasn't obvious.

However, with you being around, it would obviously be much of a struggle to keep his tough act.

His day was filled with thoughts, imagines and reminders of you and himself.

The last school bell had finally rung, signalling dismissal.

Dismissal was your favorite time of school. Although it just have been much better since you'd be hanging out with Bakugou.

You stretched your arms and legs before turning to smile at your partner. "Let's go?"

Bakugou hummed in response grabbing his bag to sling it in his shoulder as the same goes to you.

As soon as the two of you left side by side, Mina smirked and looked at Kirishima.

"Kirishima! I bet 5 bucks L/N will be the first to confess."

"Bring it!" He replied, pumping his fists in determination.

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