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"The lady protests too much, methinks."

(Gertrude, act 3 scene 2)


My blood ran cold as Michael strutted away. What? No.. We didn't make it?! Shit shit, this is my fault! I shouldn't have said anything to him or Ms Venable in that room, now I've fucked up both of our chances!

"Karinya?" A soft voice spoke next to me, instantly melting my worries away for the time being.

"I'm so sorry Mina, I should go after him I-"

"Shh, it's going to be okay.. somehow." Ms Venable cupped my cheeks so I faced her. It surprised me that there were tears forming in her eyes. She would normally keep her cool and figure out a good straightforward answer to problems but she seemed at a loss, standing in silence.

"We can survive though, right?" The last two days had been so full of anxiousness waiting, all because of that stuck up arrogant man, and now he said we didn't make it? He walks in here and acts like he's superior?

"I don't know, we have food supplies but we how long can we do on like this? It's been almost four months and nothing's changed. It's going to be like this forever, having enough food but just waiting for something that will never realistically happen." Deep down I knew everything Ms Venable were saying was right, but I couldn't believe it, i didn't want to believe it.

Michael was our only chance of a life.

"I don't know what to do. He seems to hate me and he's already said no to you." I wanted to burst out crying but I had to hold myself together. We needed to make a plan, any plan.

"We could kill him."

My eyes snapped up to Ms Venable in shock, physically recoiling.

"What? Are you insane?!"

"No.... think about it.. if he was gone, we could take whatever antidote to the radiation he seems to have.. and we could just go together, to the new place." Ms Venable looked deadly serious, and that half scared me. I seriously was NOT going to kill anyone.

"I'm sorry Mina but I can't do that. You're asking me to kill someone, I'm not a murderer."

Ms Venable sighed, rubbing her forehead, "Karinya, what choice do we have? Michael isn't going to take us, and I somehow doubt that he's warming up to anyone else here. I know that it seems crazy, but doesn't it sound like an option? You don't have to do anything, I can take care of it all. Ms Mead would be happy to assist with anything that I need done. Please Karinya, please say yes."

I shook my head, taking a step back away from her, "No, no, this is not okay. You can't just kill someone, no matter how much of a bitch he is. You're acting like it's nothing.. wait, have you.. killed someone before?!"

Ms Venable looked down to her feet, mumbling under her breath. I didn't hear what she said but her expression was enough to know that she had.

"Look, if we don't do something, we're going to be stuck here forever, doing absolutely nothing, having enough to eat and drink but living an empty and hopeless life. Don't you want to see what this 'safe haven' is like? It will be a new beginning, I know you want that."

She was too convincing. The thing about Ms Venable was that if she said the exact right words, she would persuade me to do literally anything.

"I-I.... "My frown grew bigger, not being able to believe what I was about to say, "If something did happen to Michael, and I wasn't involved, I guess I would be murdering him, right? If he just.. passed away without me knowing.."

Could You Love Me? || Ms VenableOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant