"Are you okay, L/n?" Kacchan asked surprisingly nice.

"I'm fine. I'll be fine."

Kimiko didn't seem to be scared by Kacchan. Most kids would be terrified, especially after the trauma Kimiko went through.

She tugged my hand and looked at me. I now noticed there was a little o/e/c in her e/c eyes. (Like blue and green or brown and hazel)

"Nice person?" She asked, pointing at Kacchan.

"Depends on your definition of nice."

"What's that supposed to mean?!"

I shook my head and very briefly a small smile played on my lips. We started walking home together, Kimiko between us.

"Ah, when was the last time you ate." I asked Kimiko.

"Two days ago."

"Figured. What do you wanna eat?"

"I don't have a preference."

"Of course you do. You can tell me."

She told me she wanted a ham and cheese sandwich. Kacchan went to a small 7/11-ish store to buy one.

"Aren't you scared?" Kimiko asked me.

"Of what?"

"That people'll abandon you without a warning like mommy and daddy?"

"Always. I'm always scared." I sighed.

"Then...why do you trust people?"

"Because they trust me. I told you that I'm bringing you to Inko, right? She and her son took me in when I broke in through an open window. I was soaking wet and looked ragged. I probably looked like a serial killer. And still Izuku called his mom upstairs instead of running away and calling the cops. And still Inko treated my wounds without knowing my story. That's why."

"They're kind people."

"I heard somewhere 'bonds by choice are stronger than bonds by blood, because you can't choose your family, but you can choose your friends'."

"That's a beautiful saying."

"It is."

"But does that mean we can't be as close as friends."

"Not at all. It's not always true. Take Inko and Izuku, they're friends and family at the same time."

"So we're friends?"

"We are."

I noticed a small sparkle in her eyes. She didn't smile, but I could tell she was happy. And I was glad I could save her in time.

"Heads up!"

I looked up and catches the sandwich in time. Kacchan looked disappointed that I caught it and it didn't hit my face. I just gave him a 'are you serious' look before giving Kimiko the sandwich.

"Did you really try to hit me?" I asked annoyed.

"Yes." Kacchan answered with a smirk.

"Please don't hurt my brother." Kimiko said from besides me.

Kacchan raised an eyebrow at the little girl, but she didn't waver. She just looked directly in his eyes. She wasn't angry, she looked concerned. She was pleading with her eyes.

"Ugh, fine." Kacchan said annoyed, looking away.

"So you do have a weak spot." I said almost impressed.

"Shut up you bastard!"

I patted Kimiko's head and we continued walking while she ate her sandwich. Some adults asked Kimiko a few questions because she was so adorable. She was shy and didn't like the attention, so she hid behind me or Kacchan, depended on what side she was approached from.

"Aw! She's so cute! I haven't seen you around before! What's your name?" An older woman asked Kimiko.

Her husband knelt down as well to admire my little sister. She hid behind Kacchan and refused to speak.

"Oi, you're scaring her!" Kacchan told them.

"But we're not scary! Come on." The man said, trying to win her over.

"Sir, please leave my little sister alone." I told him.

He stood up with a sigh. The woman, embarrassed by her husband's actions, tried to pull him away to no avail.

"I'm terribly sorry!" She apologized.

"It's okay, she's not used to strangers."

"Who's that guy?" The man asked, pointing at Kacchan. "Doesn't look like family to me!"

"Uh, he's..."

"I'm his friend. So what?"

"Oh yeah. That girl seems awfully fond of you!"

"So? Got a problem with that?"

"Yes! A delinquent like you shouldn't be even close to a child!"

I grabbed Kacchan's arm, seeing that he'll probably attack the man. I didn't get why the man was so persistent but there was something off about him and I wanted him gone from my sister's sight.

"Sir, we're both UA first years. Don't disrespect us." I said.

"I would never disrespect you!" The man said sincerely.

"I wasn't done talking. He's so familiar with her because he lives close to us and comes over almost daily. Please keep your nose out of other people's businesses."

The man was irritated, but luckily left. We decided it was better to hurry home, so Kacchan picked Kimiko up so we could walk faster.

"Ah, we're here." I noticed as I looked at the house I was living in.

"See ya." Kacchan said as he put Kimiko down.

He started walking away when I grabbed the back of his blazer. He turned around to look at me.

"Can you come inside? I don't...uh, maybe you can help me explain exactly why I brought a little girl."


"I...don't like talking about...my..."

"Fine then! Let's go!"

We went inside. We took our shoes off and I announced our presence. Inko came rushing out of the kitchen because I was so late.

"Where were you? You should've called! Is Katsuki staying over for dinner? You should've told me! Is that a little girl? Who is she?" Inko said, firing questions.

Kimiko hid behind Kacchan because she got scared from Inko suddenly talking so much.

"Calm down. I was with Kacchan and sensei to visit my parents. I forgot my phone at home. I don't know if he's staying over. It was sudden, so I couldn't tell you. Yes that's a little girl. She's Kimiko and she's my little sister."

"What...happened?" Inko asked.

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