Hugs, Smiles & Heartaches

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I let Joshuan in and he asks,  " Why are you so quiet in class?" I am not that quiet I talk to Olga, Randy, and Ashley. No, not like that like you never talk to me. Joshuan that's a lie and you know that! Well you at right but I always text you and you never answer or either reply with the "I'm sorry I can't talk " speech. I always tell you the truth except that one time. What are you talking about? I feel like I'm a bother to you (With a sad face). Omayra don't say that I just get nervous and run out of things to say because..beca... Yeah I know what it's because you don't like me. You made it very clear Joshuan. No it's not because of that it's because I...I...I like you. (He reaches for a hug and she starts crying in his arms. Omayra what's wrong? It's that you lied to me and you are the first person that has liked me and you're here in person telling me this and and.... (Joshuan interrupts Omayra.) Shhhh. I'm here. (He lifts her chin up and kisses her on the cheek and the on the lips.)

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