Chapter 2

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David stared at the edge of town and into the woods. The trees blocked the sunlight so that only little streams of rays could be seen highlighting the shrub-like land ahead. Everything that he had ever known, he would leave.

"Are you guys coming as well", asked Andy to Cheren and Whitney.

"I have to take care of the farm", answered Whitney.

"And I'll just stay back here in town", said Cheren half-nervously.

"What will Lenora think of if you two left?" asked Whitney to the boys.

"I don't know", replied David, "but we don't really get that much messages from Arceus this early and it seems pretty urgent". The others nodded in agreement.

"Well, we'll see you later, I guess", said Cheren as Andy and David headed out of town. The four exchanged their farewells until each pair was a measly little dot.

The woods left a chilling expression on David. There was some quiet chatter in the trees as if someone was discussing something high in the canopy. He could almost spot a red tail blur into the green of the trees. 

"You okay?" asked Andy sensing the uneasiness in his friend. David shrugged slightly and continued through the terrain which only he could describe as unnatural.

"Do you think this is where the other towns live?" questioned David.

"I mean, I would think that they would clear the area a bit", responded Andy as he continued walking. Suddenly, a crack could be heard and the two boys stopped in their tracks. More rustling could be heard in the treetops before a giant cage made of an odd wood fell on them.

"Help!!!", screamed Andy, "the cannibals have us!!!" A shadow darted against the trees as the cage they stood in was lifted off the ground.

"We have them", said a voice as more figures darted towards the cage. They helped lift the contraption up higher than their shoulders and started marching away. They were four of them altogether and they looked different than David and Andy. Their skin was darker with one of the figures being almost completely black. The figures did not wear any shirts or anything that covered their torso. Instead they freely showed their skin to the air. Their hair held a darker shade with the occasional dash of red.

"Excuse me", said David, "but where are you taking us?"

"To the elders of our tribe", replied one of the figures who was a boy, "they will decide your fate for passing our territory".

"Where are these elders located?" questioned Andy to the other boy.

"In the sacred volcano up ahead", answered the boy, "now more no talking until we get to the elders". The ride in the cage was a very uncomfortable one, not to say that their carriers weren't doing a good job. Eventually they made their way out of the forested woods to the peak of a mountain up high in the sky. Like any mountain, it was a steep ride to the very top. Unlike any mountain, there was a bright but deep red liquid flowing out of some guttages of the mountain. The heat and temperature grew steadily as they got higher into the mountain. The brown colour of the rocks and soil into the dark colour of coal and ashes. Then they got the top. Andy and David could see a massive crowd of people chanting a song in an unknown language and a relatively aged man on a chair that the cage was approaching. the chanting got louder and louder until it stopped. All that was left was the rumbling of the giant fire in a hole that was carved in the mountain. The volcano. 

"Who are you and why are you here?" asked the man in a somewhat bold voice, "speak!"

Andy nudged David who was looking down the endless sea of fire which was the magma of the volcano.

"My name is David and this is my friend Andy", replied David, "we come from a town not so far from here... I think".

"What are your forenames?" questioned the man.

"Forenames?" asked David.

"The name of your fathers", explained the man who now looked quite impatient. David turned to Andy not knowing what to say.

"We don't have fathers", answered Andy .

"Nonsense!" shouted the man as he got up, "everyone comes from somewhere".

"Excuse me", said an old man as he stepped out of the crowd. The man had a pair of glasses like Cheren but the lenses were pitch black.

"Kabu, they're just children", the old man said, "they are clearly lost". Kabu sat back down on his chair as the old man turned to the two boys.

"Hello there", he said, "my name's Blaine and that there is Kabu. He may be the chief of our tribe but I am the tribe's elder. Kiawe and his friends are the fellows who found you wandering in the woods". Blaine pointed to one of the dark skinned boys who captured them as he gave a friendly smirk to them.

"Now, would you like to tell us why you are here?" Blaine asked.

"We were sent to the edge of our town from a vision from our guardian", answered David.

"And then you guys found us", finished Andy.

"Intriguing", said Blaine, "we also a have a guardian of our own". He then gestured to the middle of the crater of fire where there stood a single stone pillar. On it, was a beast like nothing Andy or David had ever seen. The beast had brown fur scorched by the heat and ashes and a back of grey smoke and spikes. The beast leapt to the main congregation as the crowd went crazy. 

"Behold the mighty Entei", Blaine cheered as the creature gave a fearsome roar. The crowd cheered once more as the beast strutted around. 

"How far away is your town again?" asked Blaine as the crowd died down, "it's getting dark pretty soon and the woods are a dangerous place in the night".

"They can stay here for the night", advised Kiawe. Blaine thought for a while and nodded.

"Excellent idea Kiawe, take them out of the cage and show them to the village".

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