Chapter 18

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After healing Lincoln, there was a slight sense of peace, though tension was still evident between the two groups. It was decided that Lincoln would go with Elanor and the others to Camp Jaha and that the diplomacy would be left to Clarke. Elanor tried to ask about her father, but the commander seemed unwilling to tell her anything. Eventually Elanor gave up, resigning herself to talking with Bellamy.

Once at the camp, Lincoln was escorted inside and straight to medical, where he was stuck in a separate room and restrained to a bed. Elanor was pulled away by Jackson, who had been overwhelmed in their absence. Instead of being with Lincoln, Elanor was stuck treating minor injuries brought on through the day to day occurrences of the camp.

After a few hours of dealing with minor injuries, she was pulled away by Abby.

"I want you watching over Lincoln," Abby said. "I have to go take care of some urgent business. Update me if anything changes in his condition"

"Of course"

"We're working to get your father back, Elanor. I promise you, we will do everything we can to get him back," Abby pulled Elanor in for a hug.

"Go. Be chancellor," Elanor said, pulling away. "I can handle Lincoln"

Abby left, leaving Elanor with Lincoln and a sleeping Octavia. Elanor sat down next to Lincoln, who turned his head to her.

"You're a healer?" He said silently.

"I'm an apprentice, but yes," Elanor responded. "Octavia said you are a healer and a fighter"

"Everyone is a fighter where I come from. You have to be able to protect yourself."

"That sound violent"

"It's how we live. It's how we have survived down here," Lincoln said. "Octavia told me about life on the Ark. Was that any better of a way to live than the way we survive down here?"

"No," Elanor said honestly.

"But it had to be done to survive," Lincoln stated.

Elanor looked at Lincoln in contemplative silence.

"You really care about Octavia, don't you?"

"I do," Lincoln said. "There's something special about her. She is strong in a way that most people aren't."

"I think you helped with that," Elanor chuckled. "From what I've been told, you are the reason that she's alive and that the others from the dropship are too"

"I helped, but Octavia's strength comes from herself," Lincoln commented. "She is different. You are too. You're perceptive and smart. Octavia told me how you kept trying to save me even after the others stopped"

"You were the key to peace. I couldn't let you die"

Lincoln frowned. "There's something else that made you want to save me"

"The commander has my father. If we had gone to war, he would have been the first to die," Elanor said. "I couldn't risk losing him"

"It would have been hard on your mother too," Lincoln said. Elanor looked at him, confused. "The older healer?"

"Abby?" Elanor said surprised. "She's not my mother. She's my mentor."

"Oh," Lincoln said softly. "What about your actual mother? Where is she?"

"She died giving birth to me," Elanor said softly. "My father is my only family. He isn't perfect, but he's all that I have."

The tender moment was interrupted by Licoln's cough, which woke Octavia. She pulled herself to her feet, putting a hand on Lincoln's chest to soothe him.

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