Chapter 6

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Elanor spent most of her time after the incident in medical. She spent hours learning new skills. Though not much had changed on the Ark, people had begun avoiding Elanor in the hallways and asking for a different person to help them in medical. She had briefly had the opportunity to talk to Clarke. The conversation had been awkward and short and had really been more about helping Clarke through a trickier injury that one of the 100 had sustained then their friendship. Elanor kept an eye out for updates on what was going on with the people on the ground, but other than her short conversation with Clarke, she wasn't given direct contact with the ground.

Though things on the Ark were strange initially, the mood started to lighten when it was announced that the first dropship was going to launch only a few hours after Unity day. The combination of the two events, mixed with the fact that people were starting to come to the realization that Elanor had nothing to do with the Culling and therefore should not be punished or shunned in any way because of it, had made Elanor's life a little easier.

The day before Unity day, Elanor found herself in an unusually cheery mood. She had eaten her breakfast ration with her father in the mess hall, which was something Elanor hadn't done in quite some time. During that breakfast, a conversation had been struck up between Elanor and her father.

"So, I'll be on the first drop ship, since I'm overseeing security on the ground"

"I know Dad. You've told me a million times"

"Well, the council along with the heads of each department have been putting together a list of people who should go down on the first dropship, and your name came up"

"What? But I'm just an apprentice..."

"Apparently Abby thinks of you as more than just an apprentice" Marcus smiled. "Between the good word that Abby put in for you and the fact that you are my daughter, the council has decided that you'll be on the first dropship"

"What about Nana?"

"You know that essential personnel come first in situations like this, Nellie. Once the council has determined that all essential personnel necessary for the first dropship are included on the list, then citizens will be selected through merit, their personal record, position, and occupation" Marcus took a bite of his ration. "Have you spoken to any of your friends on the ground?"

"Just Clarke. I was asked to help her with something" Elanor sensed that her father had just deflected her question, but didn't bring it back up. "I think Clarke was surprised to see me. I think she was expecting a doctor or a better trained apprentice. But the procedure was pretty simple, so Dr. Jackson had me do it"

"Dr. Jackson?"

"I don't know what's going on, but Clarke won't speak with her mother"

At that moment, one of the alerts on her dad's pager went off. He looked down and sighed.

"I'm sorry to cut our conversation short, but I have to go" Marcus stood up. "You can have the rest of my food"

Before Elanor had time to protest, he was gone. She finished the remains of the food, then headed off to her work herself. Arriving at medical, she found it surprisingly empty. The doctors were all busy and there were a handful of patients waiting to be seen, but it was a pleasant change from the overwhelming numbers of people that had been coming in over the weeks before.

"Elanor, I need your help with this" Abby called from across the room. Elanor joined her mentor. Abby was treating a little boy who had a gash over his eye. "Elanor, I need you to run a basic check-up on Sam. He tripped and fell and his mother is worried that he may have sustained injuries that we can't see"

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