Chapter 13

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Since the events of the morning, tension in the camp had skyrocketed.

Raven had decided to go through with the surgery, even without anesthetic. Her screaming had put the camp even more on edge. And when screams had responded, the tension spiked severely. The cherry on top of the highly stressful day had been the return of the teams who had gone out to search for the sound. They returned with three bodies, one of which was still barely alive. Jackson had been called away from Raven's surgery to save the man, but all efforts to save him failed.

The day had gotten to Elanor and she was in a bad mood. The past few days had been the hardest times of her life and she just wanted it to go away. She found an escape when Abby came to her.

"Your father isn't sending out the search team"

"I know," Elanor said, "he told me earlier"

"He can't just leave the kids out there. They could be in danger"

"I know, Abby. And I tried to change his mind, but he won't budge"

"I need you to talk to Bellamy for me"

"What?" Elanor said, confused. "Bellamy is locked up in a cell. There's not much he can do"

"I have a plan to break him out. Finn is in and so are the other kids. They want to search for the others, but they will only do it if Bellamy goes with them" Abby's eyes looked pleading. "Just tell him to be ready. It's happening tonight"

"Okay. But the guards aren't just going to let me in"

"Tell them you are going to check on Murphy" Abby said, handing her a basic medical kit. Elanor nodded, heading off to lockup. When she got there, the guard stopped her.

"Ma'am, no one can go in"

Elanor lifted up the medical bag. "I need to check on one of the prisoners, Murphy. Doctor Griffin sent me"

The guard nodded suspiciously. He opened up the doors and stepped in with Elanor. She looked at him.

"Its okay, I can take care of this by myself"

"Ma'am, I just don't want you to get hurt"

"They're tied up. What are they going to do, lick me?" Elanor snapped. The guard sized her up, seeing if it was worth the argument. He glanced from the boys and back to Elanor before leaving the room. Elanor waited until the door was shut to turn to the boys.

"Honestly, I wouldn't put it past Murphy to try to lick you," Bellamy scoffed.

"So, the doctor sent you?" Murphy asked dryly. Elanor ignored him, moving to Bellamy.

"Clarke?" Bellamy's voice was desperate.

"No. My father never sent the search team out"

"You're Kane's daughter?" Murphy said with surprise and a hint of offense Elanor nodded. Murphy groaned from the other side of the room. "Then why are you helping us?"

"Because sending you down here was a mistake. The least that I can do to help fix it is to try to help you find your friends"

"So what's the plan?" Bellamy's tone was serious. "Are you going to convince your father to let us go?"

"No. I've tried that" Elanor responded. The doors slid open, interrupting the moment. The guard poked his head in. Elanor glared at him. "Can I help you?"

"No, I just came in to make sure you are okay"

"I'm fine," Elanor snapped. "Your job's done in here"

"Oh, okay." The guard stepped sadly back into the hallway and the doors slid shut.

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