Chapter 15

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When Marcus walked into his quarters a while later, Elanor was waiting.

"What did you want to talk to Abby about?"


"Dad, what's going on?"

"Nothing" Marcus avoided eye contact with his daughter. "How are you feeling?"

"You're avoiding the question"

"Nellie, now is not the time"

Elanor grabbed her father's arm. "What's going on, dad? And before you try to change the subject, I'm just going to ask again"

"Ealnor," Marcus sighed, considering his options. "I'm sending out a group to talk to the grounders"

"What changed your mind?"

"We have leverage now, the grounder prisoner. We're hoping that he can help us"

Elanor sat down. "Who's going?"

"The grounder, two guards, and me"

"What?" Elanor was surprised. "You? Is that really the best idea, dad? Who's going to lead the camp?"

"It's the best option, Nellie. This might be our best chance at recovering the kids. And Abby can take care of things here"

"Let me come with you"

"No, Elanor"

"Dad, please!"

"Enough!" Marcus raised his voice. He instantly regretted it. "I have to do things like this now. I'm the chancellor. I have a responsibility to our people to keep them safe"

"But you're also my dad. Why don't I matter just as much?"

"I'm doing this for you, too" Marcus began gathering his belongings into a bag. His daughter grabbed his arm, pulling him into a hug. "You have to understand that"

"I don't want you to go" Elanor's voice trembled. Marcus looked his daughter deep in the eyes.

"I'll be back before you know it"


"Are you sure I can't come?"

Elanor and Marcus stood in front of the gates, waiting for the rest of the group to meet up with them.

"I'm sure. Besides, you're needed here" Marcus smiled softly at his daughter. "Somebody has to keep Abby safe"

"Yeah, right" Elanor scoffed.

The two members of the guard who were going along pulled the grounder prisoner towards the front gates. Marcus stepped away from his daughter.

"Be safe" Elanor squeezed his hand. He nodded. Elanor watched until the group was out of sight, disappearing into the trees.

Elanor felt alone, standing out in the open in the middle of the camp. She wandered from group to group, trying to find a place where she could help. Having no luck, she found herself in the workshop where Sinclair was working.

"Need help?" Elanor offered from the doorway. Sinclair looked up with a smile.

"I'll always take a spare pair of hands" Elanor moved over to beside Sinclair.

"What are you working on?"

"I'm building something to electrify the fence we've built." Sinclair pulled a piece from off to the side. "It's almost done. Just one more piece and it's finished"

Elanor nodded, quite lost in the process.

"Here, screw this piece here into the socket and it will be done" Complying, Elanor screwed the piece into place. When she was done, Sinclair flicked a few switches and the machine began to hum.

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