Chapter 12

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The entire camp gathered near the front gates as the team who had gone to get the 100 came back into the camp. Everyone had expected them to come back with all the kids from the dropship. Instead, the guards brought back four.

Elanor recognized Bellamy and the boy in the blue jacket, but the other two were new to her. The boy in the blue jacket was holding the hand of a girl on a stretcher. The new boy of the group was being helped along by a guard.

Jackson rushed past her and wrapped Abby in a hug. After savoring the tender moment for a brief second, Abby turned to medical mode.

"Treat the critically wounded first. Everyone else can wait"

Jackson turned to the yards carrying the girl on the stretcher and directed them towards the medical tent. Elanor rushed up to Abby.


Abby shook her head.

"Oh. Abby, I'm so sorry" Elanor's face fell. "Is there anything I can do?"

"They're taking Bellamy to lockup. I don't have the time to go over and treat his wounds. I need you to take care of it. Please"

Elanor nodded, slightly confused.

"I thought the chancellor pardoned Bellamy of his crimes. Why are they taking him to lockup?"

"He lost his temper and beat up Murphy"

"Is Murphy the boy in the blue jacket or the slightly creepy guy?"

"The slightly creepy one" Abby said. "The other boy is Finn"

"And the girl?" Elanor asked.


"The mechanic you sent down to Earth? The one who radioed the Ark?"

"Yes, Elanor" Abby sighed. " I know you have a lot of questions, but they can wait. Right now, I need to take care of my patients"

Abby turned off to a different part of the medical tent, going off to help a patient. Elanor turned to pick up some supplies and headed over to lockup. There, a guard stopped her before letting her in.

"We'll be watching you and listening in. We've got your back in case the prisoner tries to hurt you"

"Its okay, I can handle myself"

Elanor nodded at the guard and he opened the door for her. As Elanor walked into lockup, Bellamy scrambled to his feet, taking a step towards her. The guard behind Elanor lifted his weapon and Bellamy took scared steps backwards.

"It's alright," Elanor turned to the guard. "Bellamy won't hurt me, will he?"

Bellamy shook his head. The guard lowered his weapon, stepping back to the door but keeping his eyes locked on Bellamy. Elanor approached Bellamy, pulling up a chair and setting her supplies down on it. Bellamy sat down across from her.

"Clarke?" Bellamy asked as Elanor began to clean his wounds.

"Nothing new. They're sending a search team out to look for the others once everything settles down around here. But there aren't many guards and securing the camp takes priority, so it may take some time," Elanor gently wiped the blood off his face, examining the wounds underneath. Bellamy's injuries weren't bad, mostly just shallow cuts and bruises.

"I should be out there, searching for the others. I know these woods" Bellamy begged her. Elanor smiled softly.

"I agree with you, Bellamy, but it's not my decision. My father is a stickler for the rules. He'll only send trained guards" Elanor said.

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