After the USJ incident, he wasn't sure if the kid was even still alive.

He remembers the fear and worry that gnawed at him when Shadow wasn't spotted for the first week.

By the time the second week had passed, the despair and grief had started to set in. Making it hard to keep his mind off of the problem child.

He was glad that both his friend and the kid were okay.

Although, he promised he would berate the kid for his recklessness once he saw him again. However, only after he thanked him for saving his students at the USJ. Despite the disapproval he felt at the kid's actions. He doesn't want to think about what would've happened if he hadn't shown up when he had.

He later decides to visit his friend at the hospital. They've been friends for a long time, Tensei, Nemuri, Yamada and him. He wouldn't admit it in front of them, but Aizawa really did care about them.


Aizawa briskly makes his way towards the hospital building, head staring straight ahead as he walks in long strides along the sidewalk. He has patrol later today so he doesn't have a lot of time.

There's a flow of people around him. A steady stream of movements surrounding him. Everyone has a place to go to and they all know where they're heading. It's easy to get lost in the mass. However, there's one person who seems to stand out amongst the others.

It's not the person's look that makes Aizawa notice him. It's more the empty space that surrounds the boy. As if the people around him are subconsciously making way for him. He doesn't realize why until he passes right in front of him.

The cane and the glasses give it away.

The kid's blind.

Now, usually, that wouldn't be too strange to see. However, what makes him pause, despite knowing that he should be going on his way if he doesn't want to be late for work, is the boy's shirt.

It's a plain dark grey T-shirt that has the words 'See you never' on it. Normally, Aizawa would be slightly amused by the t-shirt. However, the bloodstain that's currently growing on the kid's left shoulder makes it harder for him to focus on anything else.

His mind immediately goes into high alert. Red flags instantly presenting themselves in many different ways.

For one, the kid seems to have a slight, almost unnoticeable limp, not to mention the slowly darkening bruise on the right side of his face.

Despite his usual indifferent demeanor. Aizawa can't, with a clear conscience, overlook these flags.

So, he does what any self-respecting hero would do.

"Hey, kid! Wait!" He calls out, walking back up to the kid. To his credit, the boy doesn't show any reaction. He just calmly turns around, finding Aizawa with impressive accuracy despite the cane that's sitting motionless in his hold. He even manages sidesteps a fire hydrant blocking his path.

"Uhm... Are you talking to me?" The boy seems slightly surprised, a hint of worry in his tone. Getting a closer look at the teen, he realizes that the kid seems familiar to him. As if he's seen him before. He can't remember where though, despite his distinguished green hair.

"Yeah, you're bleeding." Okay, so maybe he should have led up to it more. But it seemed like being blunt right now wasn't a bad call.

This gets a reaction out of the teen. It's not what he expected though.

He expected fear, maybe surprise. What he wasn't ready for was the look of annoyance and resignation that washed over the kid's features.

He thinks he hears him say something about his favorite shirt but he can't be sure with all the noise coming from the crowd around them.

Before my heart gives out (My hero academia)Where stories live. Discover now