Lime/ Klaus X Reader- Unexpected Birthday Gift

Start from the beginning

"Let me guess. Your glasses." Y/N says as they enter Klaus' room, already searching everywhere, looking for them. Klaus does nothing but stares at them, shaking in his boots. He doesn't like when people get in his room, it's one of his biggest pet peeves. But, Y/N is the only exception right now since Klaus is clearly blind and needs assistance.

"Found them." Says Y/N, snapping Klaus out of his glance. Y/N walks up to him, puts them on his face, pushing them up with their pointer finger. Leaving Klaus standing like a frozen statue, with a red face. The only thing moving are Klaus' shaking hands and the only sound in the room is his heartbeat, which is probably going at 500 beats per second.

"Happy birthday, Klaus." Y/N smirks, tapping the birthday boy's head before walking out of his room.

"One more thing." Y/N starts again, standing at the doorway, "There will be a party for you at 9. Make sure you show up with your vision." Y/N finishes before walking out finally.

Today was sure the day Klaus' hormones and emotions weren't going to have it easy.


It was 9:00 and everyone was in the dining hall, waiting for the blue haired birthday boy.

He finally walks into the room. Seeing all his teammates and especially his two precious subordinates and his crush.

"Happy Birthday!" Everyone shouts. Klaus stands there shocked as everyone runs up to him, hugging him, just giving him good luck for the future, hoping that he lives long in this corrupted world.

"Now it's time for the gifts!" Mimosa cheers as she holds something behind her back, it was a box that was filled with many stories, something that Klaus would like.

"Klaus-senpai...I'm not sure if you listen to music but...I got this for you..." Yuno says as he struggles to carry a huge vinyl towards the birthday boy. Klaus notices this and carefully takes it away from him.

"Thank you, Vice-Captain. I really appreciate it but, you should be careful. I don't want you to hurt yourself." Klaus rambles as he looks at the music player with pure admiration.

"It's just Yuno..." Yuno mutters to himself with his head down.

For the rest of the night, everyone just spoke to each other, ate with each other, and just enjoyed themselves. Klaus saw a box of books Mimosa gave him and stared at them in awe. His glasses sparkled in affection and excitement. Y/N would tease Klaus everytime he would get flustered or someone said something good about him. It made him feel good about himself for once.

Time passed and eventually everyone got tired and wanted to get some sleep to have their energy ready for tomorrow's regular schedule.

The dining room had only Y/N and Klaus in it once everyone else left. It was silent. Just like how it was in Klaus bedroom once Y/N found his glasses.

"Do you want me to help you carry those to your room? I can do it all in one take if you would like me to since I know you're tired." Y/N suggests, staring at the tired 20 year old.

"Yes please..." He sighs, standing up out of his seat.

"Will do then." Y/N says using their magic to carry all the items that everyone got Klaus. Klaus carried the last item that was left which was the vinyl that Yuno got him. Klaus was going to make sure that the vinyl would be in good hands since he knows that was expensive.

The two knights make it into his room, putting all the stuff down. Y/N stretching their body out to get rid of cramps.

"Thanks Y/N", Klaus sighs, closing the door and locking it. "I really owe you one." He says. As he was about to say one more thing, he stopped to realize that it was only him and Y/N in the room. His face once again blushes hoping that this doesn't get too awkward.

"You don't owe me anything. I have yet to give you your gift. " They say, reaching for it in their pockets.

"But you said that the cake was my gift...what else are you going to give m-me?" Klaus shyly asks, sitting down on the bed, clenching the sheets.

Y/N brings out a book and a large CD case and passes it to the birthday boy. The book was about architecture and the CD was Hamilton. A musical that Klaus loved as a child. Y/n knew that he was very crazy about these things so they bought them for him. Klaus was going to love Y/N for this. Klaus stares at the two things in awe. His glasses filled with love.

"Thank you Y/N! I love you!" Klaus jumps up and gives Y/N a tightening hug, squishing the poor friend into his chest. While Klaus was muttering about how wonderful Y/N, was still caught up on his last sentence.

"Did you just say you love me?" Y/N smugly asks, making Klaus pull them away from his chest, seeing the scared expression on his face.

"I-I didn't mean to say that! I was just so-" Klaus gets cut off from Y/N as they connect their lips onto his. The kiss started off slowly as they just gave each other chase kisses before Klaus accidentally slipped his into Y/N's mouth. Y/N reacts to this by putting their arms around their neck while Klaus uses his hands to carry their thighs around his waist as he carries them to his bed.

"Really? N-now? We just started this just a few moments ago.." Y/N pants, trying to catch their breath. Their face is all red and sweaty from that kiss.

"But it's my birthday so you don't really get an option right now..." Klaus smirks as he all huskily as he takes off his glasses, also talking off Y/N's robe as the rest of their shirt. Throwing it somewhere on the floor.

"Fuck you...Klaus..." Y/N mutters to themselves as they let the birthday boy take away the rest of their dignity.

"But isn't that what I'm doing right now...Fucking you?" He smirks again, taking off his shirt.

"You are my favorite birthday gift, Y/N. I love you."

From that. Y/N knew that they weren't going to walk, or function properly tomorrow.

- Sorry that it seems so rushed. I didn't want to publish it late.

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