The Forest

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When you think of a forest, what do you see? Trees, tall, green, and proud. Leaves, lining the earth in gold. Moss, healing the wounded environment with its soothing softness. Water, always flowing, always changing, but somehow constant.

The forest is beautiful, that is true, but have you heard the legends? This forest, they say, is enchanted. Enchantments can be good...or evil. This particular enchantment is somewhere in between. Have you not heard the story? Let me tell you and then you can decide for yourself if this forest is good or evil.

Once upon a time, in a land long forgotten, there lived an extraordinary girl. With long brown hair that fell past her waist and eyes that reflected nature, there was not a person in her village that wasn't smitten by her. Her beauty brought suitors from near and far, but she turned them all away. You see, this girl had a secret. Her name was Sybella, and she was a witch.

Witches are evil? You think so? Hm, that is quite often true, but perhaps you should keep listening. Sybella is different, you see.

No one in her village, not even her own family, knew of Sybella's magic. She had been born with it but had always kept it hidden. She used her magic to perform small miracles throughout her village. Some years, the rain refused to fall. Sybella would wake early in the morning and cause a large dew to rise, keeping the land moist until the rain came.

Other times, winter famine brought sickness to the villagers. Sybella would create magical tonics and leave them on porches and window seals. The people began to call their mysterious helper a fairy or a kind spirit of the forest. Sybella was afraid to reveal herself as the miracle worker, so she kept her secret.

Why was she afraid? Well, you would be afraid too if you had magic and people called you a witch for it. No, they didn't know Sybella was a witch, but the villagers didn't tolerate witches at all. Fairies and spirits they understood, because they saw them as the guardians of the forest.

As the years went by, Sybella grew older and her beauty deepened. Now, kings and queens were bringing their sons and daughters to try to win her hand, but Sybella turned them away. The villagers began to grow angry with her. Why wouldn't she marry a prince or a princess? Who wouldn't want to become a queen? Think of all she could do for their people! They still didn't know what all she had already done.

One day, news came that the most powerful queen in the world was bringing her son to meet with Sybella. The villagers confronted her, ordering her to accept the prince's hand. They were a very poor people and if she became the queen, she could help them with the prince's riches. Sybella sorrowfully agreed, wanting to help her people as always.

When the queen and the prince came, Sybella agreed to leave with them. She left behind her family and the village and was taken to the queen's kingdom. Upon arrival, she was dressed in jewels and silk. Her long hair was pulled back into an elaborate hair style and a crown of glittering gold was placed on her head. Sybella began to weep, feeling the weight of her commitment.

When the queen asked her what was the matter, Sybella admitted that she did not want to marry the prince. The queen was an understanding woman and her motherly side began to show. She sat and talked with Sybella for a time, asking why she had agreed to come if she didn't want to marry the prince. Sybella replied that she had received hundreds of suitors, and that each had been turned away. She told the queen that she had not wanted to disappoint her people and that was why she had come.

The queen kindly told Sybella that she could go home if she liked. Sybella joyfully agreed and was sent home immediately. Her people were not pleased to see her. They began to call her names and throw insults back and forth. Her own family was nowhere to be found.

"If you will not help us, then you are no longer one of us," the villagers shouted and they drove Sybella away, into a dark forest which had long been known for the monsters that lurked within.

Quite abandoned by the world, Sybella tried to accept her fate. The monsters of the forest descended upon her, but surprisingly, did not attack. They were rather fixated with their strange new companion, who bore the skin of their enemies but held magic within her veins.

"Long have we waited for one such as you," the monsters said. "A savior and a bridge, who will protect us from the humans. A human with the blood of monsters is the only one who can protect us."

With no other options before her, Sybella promised the monsters that she would protect them. In exchange, they had to stop terrorizing the land and remain only in the forest, with her. The monsters agreed, glad to be rid of the human hunters who often came to kill them.

Sybella used her magic to cast a spell over the forest. To the outside world, it would appear dead and dark. Humans would hear only the howls of monsters as they passed by. On the inside, it was a paradise. Tall trees and rippling streams filled the forest with a calming melody. The monsters became tame. Werewolves turned into wolves, with the ability to speak, of course. Kelpies became unicorns. Bugs became small pixies and fairies.

The curse did have a few unfortunate side effects on human wanderers. If humans entered the forest, their eyes would be opened to the wonders of the world. They were no longer limited to human sight. They could see and hear everything that moved in between. Humans who entered the forest often went mad and died. The few that survived, chose to remain in the forest, under Sybella's tutelage in the ways of magic.

So you see, good and evil relies on perspective. The curse protects monsters and destroys humans, but reveals the secrets of the earth. Sybella is a witch who did what was best for her people. The important thing to remember about magic is it always comes with a price. When the time comes, everyone has to pay. Sybella's price was that she never saw her family again, but she gained something better in return. She gained a forest.

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