have you heard

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Jack's P.o.v

"Wait hold on even if i am human now i til cant marry her she has to marry a prince." I say. Her face saddens.

"Honey we are magical beings we can give people powers, take away memories, things human sorcerers or just plain sorcerers strive to learn and still have great difficulty and yet your worried about being a prince, that is the easiest thing to make someone." A female rock says.

"Really." Elsa says giddy.

"Absolutely your highness. Now how bout you and the quote engagement girl, kristoff and sven head back to the castle and he will arrive a prince he will act as if he is coming to court you." A man rock says

"And you shall anounce the wedding." Another rock man says.

"And by the way i better see a ring." A baby rock points an acusing finger at me.

They start pushing them away and start tugging at my hair and my clothes trying to see what size i am and what not before elsa is pushed out of view she looks at me and giggles i try to wave goodbye and she tries to to but they already push her behind a rock.

"All right hair up or down?" The female asks

"Leave it his hair it looks fabulous he'll be starting royal trends all the way to the great wall and we shall be famous with all the immortal people." The second man rock says.

"How many awards." The baby rock asks

"Dont know, he should look brave, and tough and strong and miraculous but yet keep it Suttle." The first man rock asks.

"Miraculous but suttle, ha is there such a thing." The woman asks and they break out in laughter from there on they are silent at work i sit for ten minutes more before they give me a final look over.

"Well he's certainly no prince charming but he'll do."the second man rock says.

"Oh please he looks wonderful, now we need to make a fake island close to our that his ship needs to sail from, then we create servants and butlers gelore and a parade of gaurds." The woman snaps her fingers.

"Done now we transport you out to your boat."she taps my nose and next thing i know i am on a boat that is heading towards arendalle.

the sea is brighy blue just like elsa's eyes and i cant wait to see her. Wait i dont have any money everyone will know i am a freud. I look to my left and see chests of over flowing money these trolls are life savers.




"Who are you, where are you from, and what bussiness do you have here in arendalle." A plump man asks.

"I am prince jack.....son frost..... of the..._" i stutter.

"Of the kingdom of overland." One of my butlers speaks for me.

"Yes jackson frost of overland." I say with confidence.

"I am here to meet queen elsa i heard of her troubles finding a suitable prince and came to meet her, i have heard she is absolutely beautiful."i say.

"A prince come to meet queen elsa, oh Thank the lord." He grabs me by the wrists and pulls me towards the kingdom the gillage is very small and right nest to the castle gates that lie open.





"May i present prince jackson frost of overland to her queen elsa of arendalle." The butler says motioning his hands toward me. I bow and elsa curtsies.

She looks gorgeous and i can tell i am smiling like an idiot because elsa starts gigling and the people look at the two of us back and forth.

"The pleasure is mine." She says

"Absolutely not meeting someone as incredibly beautiful as you the pleasure would have to be mine."i say and she smiles.

"My lady isnt it time we be getting to the ball room for the ball."

"Oh right, jackson would you care to join me."

"I would be honored." I say kissing her hand.




We walts across the room when i asked her to dance she says she doesnt know how but i insist upon her joining me. She keeps stepping on my feet which now that i am mortal sends me pain but pain that makes me happy and i laugh everytime and that makes her smile.

We walk outside and sit on a bench. We sit on a bench at midnight in the warmth after just having a great day. I cant believe this moment is so perfect but yet i have no ring to propose with. I stick a hand in my jacket pocket i feel a small box.

I pull it out, the trolls they are life savers.

I get of the bench and stand in front of her and then kneel down.

"Elsa i know we have known each other for a short time, but i also know if you dont get married people are gonna come take over arendalle, and most importantly i know how amazing you are and that i love you." I pull it out and bring it infront of me. She gasps.

"elsa will you make me the happiest man in the world and let me take care of you for the rest of our lives.... will you marry me."i ask.

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