"oh? you think i'm reckless?"

"not at all. i admire anyone who's able to go to sleep in a two-story windowsill with only a blanket wrapped around their shoulders."

taehyung rolls his eyes but on the inside, he's full-on grinning. he's not only intrigued by the way this man speaks but intrigued by every part of him. especially how he seems to see right through taehyung as if he's known him his entire life.

it's refreshing. to experience a moment where the blood in his veins is at a standstill and the colors behind his eyes aren't too bright. there's no need for a blunt to burn his problems away nor is there a need for a drink to drown out all the noise.

it's sweet. 

"guess i gotta give you points for that Mr. bartender."

"Mr. Bartender?"

"yes, that's what i'll call you until i learn your name."

the other opens his mouth to say something but decides against it. he's content with the way the younger wants to run things. after all, control is only a plaything because at the end of the day it all boils down to who holds the power.
but that's a topic not fit for this moment.

"hmm, i suppose i can live with that then. besides, i think it's past your bedtime and you look like you could use some sleep."

to this taehyung raises both eyebrows a retort already on the tip of his tongue but he doesn't get the chance to fire it before his phone vibrates.

hey, can you come over? we need to talk


it's evident the mood has changed because taehyung doesn't bother saying anything to the bartender as he leaves. he simply places a twenty on the counter before walking out. the drink may have been free but time wasn't.

. . .

walking to jin's place was a longer distance than he'd thought but it was all he could do to calm his nerves. the stark difference between the two was always displayed in the way jin lived.

everything about jin screamed luxury from the loafers he wore to the expensive rugs in his life. even now taehyung was unsure of how he looked among the important people that seemed to swarm the building jin lived in.
everything about the place screamed money and more money.

the two of them came from different worlds that much was clear. silver spoons and maids are what jin grew up on while taehyung had experienced a more humble living, to say the least. sure, jin introduced him to his addiction to Gucci but at what expense?

money was something that taehyung thrived off of. that wasn't to say hat jin did but you could tell the older found more pleasure in the finer things of life which is why taehyung never understood why he ever stopped to look at him.

though all of those thoughts cease as he stands in the front of the door of where aphrodite's very child resides. love was his shortcoming but beauty failed him not.

taehyung doesn't even get the chance to knock before jin is opening the door and ushering him in. there should be some kind of tension in the air some kind of awkwardness but taehyung can't find any.
it's like a black hole had opened itself inside of him and all that was left was a void. not even pandora's box could compare to that.

"so, i reckon there's not much to said between us huh?"

jin stands tall in the living room shining much like the first day they met. everything about him was godlike and taehyung should've known better from the start. many gods fall by the hands of temptation for she is forever bittersweet.

taehyung takes notice of the two cardboard boxes by the couch and he already knows how this tale will end.

"i'd just like to say that i never cheated on you. not once during my wild escapades did lay with someone else. can i remember every single night? no, but i can say that even when i blacked out cold all i could think about was you. i'm not making excuses for my actions either and i'm not justifying what i did. i just think we both had some things we needed to work on."

taehyung watches the way jin face contorts with hurt but it doesn't matter. he wasn't made for the sweet life that jin wished to live just like jin wasn't made to handle the disaster he happened to be.
gods only answered the prayers of those who worship them wholeheartedly and taehyung was no worshipper.

he could not journey a quest the fates thought he was fit for. he could only collect the two boxes from the ground that contained his belongings not sparing jin a glance. there wasn't anything they could possibly talk about anyway.

this sweet life was merely an illusion for people like taehyung. it was no different from a lotus flower just one bite and you'd be addicted. though for the entity that was taehyung, he never dared to take a bite. 

. . .

well i'll be damned. i don't think this was all too bad but um what'd you think? i'm trying to update more for you all.

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