chapter 12

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Third POV

A bright light appears near harekaze's water filtration plant.

Akeno: how is it?

Y/N stepped out of the light and sigh.

Y/N: there's leaking on one of the pipes, probably damaged by Musashi's Cannon.

Mashiro: can you fix it?

Y/N: (shrug) yes I can, if you let me tear this ship into small pieces and rebuild it part by part.

Akeno: eh?

Y/N: small scale repairs won't be enough for her, she requires large scale repairs on a dockyard.

Mashiro: Looks like we have to request for additional supply again, right captain?

Akeno: it seems so, we can't keep sailing with a dwindling water supply.

Y/N: well, I think it'll be a while before we can meet any supply vessel. You girls have a plan for it right?

Mashiro: w-well, sort of.

Akeno: hehehe.

A hologram screen opened up in front of him, then Kongo's face appears.

Y/N: Kongo, long time no see, how's the search?

Kongo: thankfully, the recovery of the stranded destroyers is running smoothly, so far we managed to find five destroyers. We managed to find them before they cause any trouble.

Y/N: glad to hear it, Yamato said there are seven missing destroyers. It looks like we're down to two more missing units.

Kongo: yes it is, after we managed to recover them all, we can focus to find a way back home.

Y/N smiles a little.

Y/N: yeah, can't wait.

Kongo: we'll update you as soon as we finished the recovery. Kongo out.

The feed ended and he looks at the girls.

Y/N: well that's one problem solved.

Akeno: looks like everything is going on well in your end huh?

Y/N: well...not all, remember those rogue destroyer we faced yesterday?

Akeno: O-oh.

Y/N: and don't forget that Musashi's problem is still unsolved, so things aren't going smoothly in my end.

Akeno: but...

He pats her head and smiles.

Y/N: I already promised you that I will help you right?, I intend to fulfill it.

She smiles widely.

Akeno: thanks Y/N.

Y/N: oh I almost forgot.

He then looked at Mashiro who's standing beside Kouko.

Y/N: hey, Shiro. Maya told me that you have something to tell me.

Mashiro: w-what? N-no I don't. (That little!!!)

He put his hand on his hips.

Y/N: that's not what she said.

Akeno seems to understand what's going on.

Akeno: o-oh, hey Koko how about we checked on the supplies.

Kouko: I think we already checked...

Akeno: I said let's check it!!!

She drags a confused kouko out of the room. But before she leaves she then said.

Strongest battleshipTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang