chapter 6

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-- on board of fog heavy cruiser takao --

-- third POV --

Baaaar baaaar

Y/N: so?

The third Yamato class mental model is standing in front of the cruisers mental model. His fist is smoking and takao's and Maya's head are also smoking. While harekaze's crew are watching from near one of the turret.

Akeno: he's sure scary.

Munetani: well I'm speechless now.

When he board the cruisers two girls run towards him and about to give him a hug. But...

Maya: i-i-i'm sorry.

Takao: w-we thought it was belong to the human fleet

He raised his eyebrows

Y/N: don't you two See's the symbol? Only one Battleship has a black hull and you forget about it?

I cracked my knuckles

Takao: eeeeep

Maya: t-there's nothing appear on our radar and just open fire just using what we see.

Y/N: so you too huh?

Takao: what do you mean?

Y/N: during my first arrival here, my radar equipment also broken and it took me nearly all day to fix it.

He sighed.

Y/N: well it can't be helped then

Maya: s-so we're not in trouble?

Y/N: oh Maya...,

He pat her head and smiles.

Y/N: you girls are not in trouble.

They sighed in relief.

Y/N: still you two owe an apology,

Takao: we...

Y/N: no, not to me.

Takao: then to who?

He then motion to the harekaze's crew

Takao: why are you with these humans?

Y/N: don't ask questions, just do what you have been told.

Takao: fine...

She then walked towards the crew while Y/N just smiling a bit.

Akeno POV.

The blue haired girl is walking towards us, her face is so Stern. Like Y/N's when he first met us.

She then stopped in front of us, she's a bit taller than me so she's kinda intimidating.

Akeno: h-hello

Takao: hi

We stare at each other in silence.

Takao: s-so....

Akeno: huh?

Takao: about almost obliterate you with missile swarm.

Akeno: yes?

Takao: I want to apologise.

Akeno: n-n-no, it's okay. Besides Y/N is there to protect us so we're good.

She then sighed

Takao: so, about Y/N...., How did you get close to him?

Akeno: he's quite nice, from the moment we first met he always try to help us out. Like when our encounter with spee.

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