Chapter One

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»Credit to SpaceTommie for giving me this idea!«

Virgil slowly walked home as he knew what was going to happen when he got there. He knew he was going to be beat. He knew his boyfriend was abusive. He KNEW that his boyfriend only wanted him for sex.


He's was all he had left.

His boyfriend didn't know he was trans, gay, or that he was even dating a man! His parents flat out rejected him and his 'choice'.

He didn't want to be trans.

He didn't want to be this way.

He didn't want a boyfriend that threatened him and mocked his importance.

He didn't want to be in a relationship with a heterosexual person who wouldn't try to understand. Who was not only homophobic but also transphobic.

But he needed him. He was his lifeline no matter how dangerous it was. He felt like needed him to live a normal and healthy life. He couldn't tell black, grey, and white apart now that his self-confidence was more ruined then it ever was.

This is what happened.
"Mom, dad? I, uh um, I have something to tell you..." Virgil spoke with a stuttering voice. He never truly talked to his parents as they neglected him other then his essential needs, so this was his first time truly talking to them.

"Well? What is it, brat? Hurry up and stop stuttering so you can make sense like a NORMAL person," his mother spat at him. They also insulted him and made him insecure,  one of the reasons he held onto Damien to an unhealthy extent. He couldn't make a decision on something without being self conscious and needing someone to help him.

He took a breath in.

He took a breath out.

"Mom, dad, I'm," he paused.

He went over the situation, if he should turn back, if it was to late, if he was screwed, and if he was going to be disowned. All in those few seconds, he went over that while his parents got overly mad.


"Spit it out girl!" His father yelled out. Virgil was at a loss of words.

"I'm not a girl!" He yelled out, not only surprising himself but also his parents.

His mother, being rude, then mocked him by saying, "what are you then? An animal? Hah!" His father laughed along with his mother.

"I'm transgender and gay," he mumbled quietly.

"Hmm? What was that little girl? You can't even speak English. Such a dumb fucker. God, where has life taken us," his father ranted, his words made Virgil scared but he had gone to deep. There was no going back.

"I'm not a girl, I'm a boy and I like boys! There! Does that help?" His parents and himself let the words sink in. As Virgil realised that he said something extremely wrong before he even sunk into what he have said. Everything I do is wrong, thought virgil. Oh God, what happens now?

Yup! So that's chapter one of Words Matter! Um, I honestly don't know where I'm going with this story but I'm determined to finish it! 😁


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