Meeting us?

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Enjoy this piece of attempted editing☝️

(Bakugoboiiiii *bam* Tada)

A/N I made mistakes and want to clarify. You can skip this but if you read it this'll make more sense.

Inverted Todoroki, he is very upfront so he should be calling everyone by their first names.
Inverted Iida only respects certain people and calls everyone else by their first names.
Inverted deku calls everyone by the name that's easier to say whether he likes them or not.
Inverted Bakugo calls everyone by their last or preferred name as to not get them mad at him.
Inverted Kirishima is very fond of violence, so he calls people by the name he thinks will piss them off more. (Except for I!Deku and  I!Uraraka)
Inverted Uraraka calls people by whatever I!Deku calls them by. Such as Bakugo is kacchan or Izuku is Izu.

Inverted Deku POV

The tired man sat outside the room and looked, no, judged our every move. At the slightest hint of hostility to our guests he would interfere immediately. Probably evacuate them from the room and tie us up.

I figured it out on the way here that this Aizawa has a nullification quirk. (you guys already know that though) because Ochaco told me she tried to use her quirk before, but couldn't. It isn't activate now though, because I can still use my quirk.

I sit there with Ochaco's head on my lap waiting for our guests. Iida is back to laying across the table, on his phone. Kacchan and Kirishima were sitting next to eachother in the corner. Kacchan's head resting in the crook of his significant other's neck, while they were holding hands. 

They are so precious when their not annoying. Its relaxing to not have someone screaming for a rematch or to stop fighting.

Todoroki was bouncing in his seat eyes locked with the window trying to see when our guests will have arrived. Aizawa turned in his seat to face the empty hall, he gave it an annoyed look then turned back to face us.

Uraraka POV

As soon as Mr.Aizawa left the room was dead silent. The only noise was the sound the fan made. People from another universe, guess all those scientists were right about the multiverse.

My thoughts were interrupted by Bakugo. "Tch, we just gonna sit here or are we gonna go talk to those extras who called for us" he said as he stood up, put his hands in his pockets and walked out the door, Kirishima close behind.

"Bakugo is correct we shouldn't keep  the people who wished to speak with us waiting." Iida said as he stood up, me and Deku following pursuit.

We walked out of the side room and down the main hallway. The walls were empty and had a very light yellow coat of paint covering them.

As we came to the big glass window at the end of the hall we saw Bakugo and Kirishima talking with Mr.Aizawa.  We walked up to them. "About time, one of them was getting a bit impatient. You can go on in" he said ushering us all into the room's quite large door. "Oh, by the way the people from another universe just so happen to be alternate versions of you, good luck" our teacher said before completely pushing us in the room and locking the door.

"WHAT!?" We all yelled at the same time but our tired teacher apparently didn't hear us.

"Yo, we're you but not" I turned to see a boy sitting on a chair with a girl laying on his lap, then it hit me. He looks just like Deku!

3rd POV

The group of students that were just shoved into future chaos were at a loss of words, even the allpissy lord explosion murder didn't have anything to say.

Todoroki POV

"Hi your me! Or I guess in your case I'm you? I don't really know how this works but it's cool to meet'cha!" A boy with split hair, half navy blue, half dark grey said as he seemingly came out of nowhere. "We-" I tried to say as he interrupted. "Match right! That's cause I'm you from another dimension" he said while pointing to me.

"How is mother in your world?" I asked. "What mother?" He responded cheerfully. "What do you mean?" I questioned back. "My parents deemed me to be unnecessary and tossed me out on the streets." He said while motioning  throwing something behind his back. "Must of been tough, sorry" I responded. "Nah it's fine I would've never met these guys if I didn't get kicked out, now enough about me how about you? What's with the scar on your face?" " oh that"

Deku POV

I looked around the room that Mr.Aizawa put us in to find people that looked a lot like me and and my friends. "Yo, we're you but not" I heard a voice say I turned and saw someone that looked almost exactly like me. They would've been an exact replica except for their hair and eyes being a light purple.

"Hey you", "huh? M-me?" I responded pointing at myself. "Yeah, what do you do here I'm still trying to find out exactly where we are." My purple haired lookalike said. "Oh, your at UA, a school for heroes in training and the sort." I said walking near him. "So it's the same in this world as well." He whispered to himself. "Well I'm Izuku or 'Deku' if you will, must be weird to meet yourself huh?" He said with his hand outstretched. I shook his hand, "H-hi I'm Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you."

He looked down at the girl lying on his lap, that I just realized was there. "Hey, Ochaco you need to get up our guests are here." He whispered "Huh?" She responded. She got up and sat normally in the chair closest to the other me...? What am I supposed to call him? I believe he said Izuku or Deku. Why not Midoriya.

A/N Izuku calls inverted Deku, deku. Inverted deku calls Izuku izu.
"Hey can I pick your brain a bit?" Deku asked. Man this is weird. "Yeah sure" I said while seating my self in a chair across from him. "Okay, what's your quirk?" He asked.

Should I tell him it's one for all, or would he not know about this. I guess I shouldn't tell him, not here at least. I thought as I sweat dropped. "I-it's Super Power*, it boosts my strength and kinda my speed." I told him finally. "Oh? So we have totally unrelated quirks then huh? Okay how about the others here?" He said as he gestured around the room.

A/N * that's what his quirk is registered as so don't yell at me in the comments that it isn't. ÙwÚ

"Oh!" This is a topic that's easier for me to talk about. "Well for starters Todoroki has two quirks, fire on his left and ice on his right. Uraraka can make things float by touching them, Iida can run really fast because of the engines in his calves. Kirishima hardens his skin so that he is like rock. And Kacchan can make explosions because of his sweat." I say doing what they do when they activate their quirks. "Oh sorry was I going to fast" I say as I realize I was kinda rambling. "No it was fine" he said putting his hand up about face level.

Inverted Deku POV

"What (kind of f*ckery is this?) the fuck did you just say!" "You wanna go Bakubitch?" "Ek!" "No not you the other one"

I sighed Kirishima just got into another fight. The other me turned and faced toward the two versions of Kirishima and Kacchan holding eachother back or attempting to fight the other. "Stop fighting! This isn't what a future hero should do" the other Iida said while doing something weird with his hand. "Shut up!" The two who were about to fight snapped at him.

That's when Ochaco got out of her seat and walked over to them. "No, you shut up." She said, glaring at them. Kirishima then immediately backed down, went back to the corner crouched up and just sat there. Face to the corner of the room like he was a kid in time out.

Izuku POV (yeah, I changed it uwu)

"Tch, fuck o-" Kacchan was about to say but then Deku was standing behind the other Uraraka. He glared daggers into Kacchan who then went silent.

"Thank you for that, now would everyone kindly line up over here" Iida said as he lined everyone up, so we were facing the other versions of us.

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