Inverted cast's quirks

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This is an in depth assessment of their quirks as in my au they have different quirks than the original cast has. If this confuses you feel free to ask questions.

Inverted Deku

Prefers to use on a small scale such as pulling on muscles and fibers as well as ripping skin.

Can be used on large scale. example, lifting large or heavily weighted objects and/or people.

Drawback, overuse can cause headaches and eventually lead to collapse or temporary paralysis.

Inverted Uraraka

Can add weight to any object or living thing within view.

When used on people prefers to weigh down their clothes rather than the person themselves, as this could cause damage to said persons brain.

Drawback, overuse can cause temporary blindness and constant over use could lead to permanent loss of vision.

Inverted Bakugo

Remote bomb-
User can turn anything they touch into a bomb. Said item will not change shape nor will it change in any other way.

Bombs can be activated separately or at the same time. They can be activated from anywhere. The amount you can set and the strength depends on the users ability to focus.

Drawback, over exposure to exploding bombs could cause burns and loss of hearing to even death. The slightest thought of exploding will activate all set bombs.

Inverted Kirishima

Solid liquid-
The user's body can become a liquid but it will keep its shape.

Similar to Mirio's permeation objects and other things will pass through him. Unlike Mirio though he can't faze through anything and all organs work while in a liquified state.

Drawback, with becoming liquid the user's body will react by thinking that there is no skin layer and create an extra layer. When the user's body is solidified that extra layer of skin can cause irritation.

Inverted Iida

Speed perception-
The user can manipulate any living thing's perception of time by waving his hand in their field of view. (Said people/person does not need to notice the user's presence to activate.)

Prefers to slow down others time perception and make it look like he is just fast, to keep opponents confused about his quirk.

Drawbacks, can only be used on five people without danger. Up to seven with constant waves of dizziness. And nine before passing out.

Inverted Todoroki

Half hot, Half cold-
He can produce fire from his right and ice from his left.

He is quite the prankster and likes to ice his feet to the ceiling and activate both quirks at the same time creating an endless water supply dumped on whoever was unlucky enough to walk underneath him.

Drawback, overuse of the fire side can cause light to major burns and overuse to the ice side causes the users skin to become more fragile, and rip easily. This quirk can not be turned off, only turned down. So user must regulate temperature at all times.

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