Ain't got nothing better to do.

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Inverted!Uraraka POV

He wrapped his scarf around us and started walking out with us tied up behind him. Whoever this guy was he was no joke. Todoroki was still shooting questions left and right not waiting for the answers. Iida was struggling, trying to get free of the bindings.

Bakugou looked like he could pass out any moment and Kirishima was trying his best to not let him fall. Deku managed to get free and stuck his hands in his pockets just following as if he was still wrapped up, looking as bored as ever.

We followed him to a room down the hall. There were a few chairs and a table. He told us to sit and we all sat on one side with him on the other.

"Who are you and how did you get in here?" He said tiredly. "Like I said before, I'm Shoto Todoroki." The obvious said. "No. Who are you really?" The man replied with.

" and why should we tell you who we are?" Iida questioned. "I'm Izuku Midoriya." Deku said casually. "Ochaco Uraraka." I said after. "If you guys are trying to pretend to be UA students and sneak in the school, Let me tell you. Your doing an awful job." The tired man replied. " what do you mean?" Todoroki asked. "Well first off you guys are acting complete opposite of how your supposed to be if your trying to imitate them. Then, your colors are completely off." The man said.

"Wait I think I know what happened now." Deku said which caught the mans attention. "I think you mistook us for villains ,sorry bout that. But, hear me out, I think that the machine took us to a different dimension". He finished. "What?" The man asked. "By any chance are you, Shota Aizawa?" Deku replied.

"Yes." "WHOA! Your this worlds Aizawa!?!" Todoroki said. "Your so different." Iida said. "Usually if our Aizawa saw random strangers he would just ignore them." I said.

"Wait, what do you mean?" The man now known as Aizawa asked. "The machine in the room. This guy messed with it and now we're here." Deku said while pointing at Iida.
"My bad." The latter replied.

There was a silence. "You don't think that I'd actually believe you do you?" Aizawa stated. "Wha-" Todoroki said before getting interrupted. "I'm a hero, of course you would know who I am. You just got the wrong information and your trying not to blow your cover." He said. "Just listen!" Deku yelled while slamming the table. "We're just trying to go back." He said visibly irritated. Aizawa then wrapped his scarf around deku. I then got up so he wrapped me too. I tried to use my quirk on the scarf but it didn't work.

He then pulled out his phone and called someone. "Hey, can you come over here I have a, um situation." He waited for reply and hung up. "Who was that?" Todoroki asked cheerfully.

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