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Stay Healthy,Stay Safe !

3rd Person POV

Beam and Forth went home. Beam took shower first and lay in bed. Forth joined him after his shower.

Forth slipped his hand under Beam’s head and pulled him towards his body. Beam was thinking about his condition and was in a dilemma whether he should tell his friends or not about his condition.

Beam rested his head on Forth's chest while he was trying to sleep. But he wasn't sleepy at all.

"You're still up?" Forth asked.

"I can't sleep. It's making me nervous."

"Phana's research?" Forth asked and Beam nodded.

"Everyone will know it some day."

"Will he feel disgusting? What if people make fun of me? What if people think I'm different? What if they make fun of me or worst, what if they call me a mutant?"

"I don't know about others, but Phana will never do that! He'll be glad to help you if you need something."

"You think so? Why would he do that?"

"Because... As far as I know Phana, he's a good human. Also, he's doing a research and wouldn't it be better for him to study his own friend than someone else?"

"Will he not hate me or feel disgusted with me? Ang what about Kit? Will Kit make fun of me?"

"Beam... Why are you so insecure?"

"I.. I don't know." Beam said and a tear falling down from corner of his eye.

"Hey!!! Baby... Don't cry na!! Why are you so emotional and insecure?" Forth teased me and earned a light slap on his chest.

"Forth..." Beam was about to say something but still didn't know if he should

“Beam?” Forth called Beam and played with Beam's bangs that were on his forehead. “Is there anything you want to say?”

“Forth. I…”

“Are you worried about your condition? Why didn't you let them know that you can get pregnant too.”

“ I can't do that… And Forth… Did you hear it clearly?”

“Umm?? What?”

“All the male pregnancy cases till date were only possible because of the pills.”

“Huh? So? Oh wait, do you mean? You were taking those pills when you...? But… No. It takes at least six months to show its effect. But... You didn't even know about your sexuality back then… Or… Or is it that… that you were being drugged?”

“F-Forth… I- I want to tell you something…”

“I will find anyone who is messin with you. Just tell me if you doubt any one! Or even if you don't, I'll find that person myself.”
“F-Forth… N-no one drugged me!!!.. A-actually … Promise me you won't get mad or disgusted by me.”

“Beam!!” Forth was shocked, “Why do you think like that? I would never feel disgusted by you.”

“Just… listen to me…” “What will people think about me if they know... that... I- I was born with the condition to carry a child… I can carry a baby!!”

“We both know it…  after we lost…” Forth suddenly realised that this topic is going to hurt Beam. Beam always gets traumatized by remembering about his miscarriage. He saw tears in Beam’s eyes. “ I'm sorry…” Forth apologized.

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