Tobirama Senju ─ "Damn woman."

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Tobirama loved to watch you think. The way your eyes narrowed when you focused and your nose crinkled whenever you stumbled upon an issue. He took a break from his own paperwork to observe you as you worked through the formula for new medicines.

You huffed in frustration and ran your fingers through your dark hair before rolling your neck. You muttered quietly to yourself, "Back to the forest."

"May I join you?" Tobirama asked, much to your surprise. He had never accompanied you to the forest before to gather medicinal plants before; however, the man needed a break from his work. Spending some time with you would be the most ideal way to relax anyway.

The corners of your lips turned up in a pleasant smile, "Sure thing." You gathered a basket and notebook before heading off to the forest with Tobirama.

You began telling Tobirama what plant you were looking for. He nodded as he listened to the description, but his mind was completely distracted by how damn fascinating you were. Your intelligence was on full display as you expertly explained the mission of the trip. Your eyes were warm as you answered his questions and lightly joked with him. Although humor wasn't his strong suit, he somehow always managed a laugh for you.

He usually wasn't like this. He was always so focused, so collected. But over the past few months, he had found himself thinking of you more. You crossed his mind often; hell, nowadays it felt like you never left.


He snapped out of his daydream and apologized for zoning out. You shrugged and said he better remember what the plant looked like because you weren't repeating yourself.

Tobirama rolled his eyes and muttered quietly, "Damn woman."

"I heard that," you chirped lightheartedly.

As they searched, you watched the Senju man from the corner of your eye. He was hopelessly searching for the plant, his ruby gaze intent on the forest's foliage. You chuckled softly at the serious-faced man, never expecting to see him in this situation.

Time passed and Tobirama had managed to find a couple of buds of the necessary herb while you had almost filled the basket. He rubbed his neck while disappointedly looking at the little he had contributed.

Watching him gather herbs is almost as painful as him watching me use ninjutsu, you thought amusedly.

"Ready to go?" he asked flatly.

You nodded and thanked him for helping you. You felt bold for a moment, and decided to act on the impulse. As he began to reply, his words caught in his throat as he felt your lips brush against his cheek. Your fingers grazed his jawline as you held his face for a brief moment.

Whenever you pulled back, you noticed a pink tint appearing on his skin. Is he blushing? Surely not. Why would he be blushing? It's just me. You asked yourself, completely oblivious, as you and Tobirama had always been close friends. You had kissed him on the cheek before and he never reacted in such a way.

He cursed silently at the heat rising on his cheeks. Why did you have to go and do that, (Y/N)? He thought, trying to feel annoyed; however, he couldn't. The softness of your mouth had left an invisible mark on his face, one that only he could feel. His skin was warm in the spot where your lips had been as light tingles radiated from the location. He suppressed a smile, but the corners of his lips twitched upward involuntarily.

Of course, you noticed this microexpression. Nothing could get by you. It was one of the things Tobirama liked about you so much. You were painfully observant and quick as a whip in getting to the conclusion. Your reasoning skills were impressive, to say the least, and while Tobirama was usually thankful for that trait, right now he was damning it.

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