Chapter 3- The Talk

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(Trigger Warning

Mentions of Miscarriage and Attempted Suicide)

It doesn't take long to get everyone setup and happy watching Black Panther and for us to fix our own plates and get seated. "Y'all wanted to talk, well let's talk. I just want to know why I am last to know." I finally say.

"Because... we couldn't get Z completely on board and we knew if we couldn't get him then there wasn't a point in coming to you." Harry says answering for everyone.

I nod my head slightly taking that information in before looking around, "I want answers. Who's idea is this? How long have y'all been planning this? How long do y'all expect this to last? Have y'all talked to management of any kind? Have y'all thought about how this affects everyone.. And I specifically mean the EIGHT CHILDREN WE HAVE UPSTAIRS! Just someone start talking and explaining because as of now I am not okay at all." I hiss out my full accent showing itself.

"We have all wanted to go back on tour since we left... it never went away. You were one of our fans. You know how much we loved it but having families was our biggest priority and our families still mean the world to us,we just believe that now is a good time for this. We finished our tour the best we could but you were giving birth, everything with Sara and Harry, then Kendra was pregnant and things just kept going. We got further and further away from our dreams. We have done some stuff here and there and we have released a little bit of music since but we haven't done much in an area we are all passionate about." Liam answered acting as the voice of One Direction once again playing the role of daddy direction.

"So you think that no one else has passions and things? Things change. I had plans to be a dancer at one of the best schools and to follow those dreams so much further. Kenz had a plan of attending the best designer school, Sara was going to go to culinary school. As our lives changed so did the way we followed our dreams. Kenz started her own damn company and Sara did too. I decided to just minor in dance and do it on the side even when getting my degree. You are sitting here acting as if y'all were the only ones things changed for when it didn't. At least if you are going to come at me with that, realize things change for everyone." I respond.

"You're right things did change and we have been doing things differently but don't you think we deserve the chance to continue reaching those dreams?" Harry asks, looking at me practically pouting.

"Of course I do! I have always supported y'all and don't act like I haven't. When y'all wanted to start doing small concerts and stuff I was the first one to say yes. Recording singles together and alone I cheered for each and everyone of you. When there were movie chances and sitters were needed or anything else I said yes so please remember that. Tell me.. While y'all are gone on tour with just the five of you.. Your back ups and band whore waiting for you and paparazzi everywhere with new rumors every two minutes who will explain that to our children who don't understand? Dawn has been asking about her mom lately and her biological parents and that will get brought up and y'all know it. How about when people make death threats to them.. What then? I'm sorry that I'm concerned about how this will affect them. I think y'all are forgetting how hard it was on all of us when I was pregnant and this time I won't be but this time we already have kids." I finished looking around seeing mixed emotions.

No one is responding and I know that they know that what I'm saying is making sense. "If y'all have really thought about this and don't think it will be that bad then do it. I will support y'all like I've always done but don't look at me fool if things get out of hand again. And I want Dawn to stay here as well. I know her nanny is good but to have both of her fathers gone and already wanting another female in her life.. I think this would be best." I finally say shocked to see smiles on Zayn, Liam, and Louis' faces.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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