Chapter Two- Undecided

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"Mama, we're home!" I hear Jazzy yell as she runs in and hugs me.
"Hey my pretty girl, how was school?" I ask as the other three trail in after her, each giving me a hug as I checked on my tomato sauce.

"Fine. We have homework." Kellan tells me before him and Kaylen both run off causing me to raise my eyebrow slightly in question. The only time when they run off that quickly is when someone has a secret, though I know that if I give them space they will talk to me when they are ready as they always do.

"It was really good! We learned some new multiplication today and I need to do homework before everyone gets here, daddy said." Ethan answers before running to the table and starting his homework.

"Today Kelly told everyone that I like Luke and mama, I don't! She's just mad because Christy said that Luke wants me to go to his party and that she can't so now she's telling everyone that I like him and we are like brother and sister. I told Kelly that and she said that I'm storyin' because I was to em..embarassed to tell Luke myself so she told Quinn to tell him. So then Luke didn't want to talk to me because it's weird!"Jazzy answered her arms crossed in irritation reminding me of myself when I was her age.

"Oh no! That must really stink." I reply listening to her and cooking knowing that the best thing is to allow her to express herself. I was doing the opposite of my mother who would've told me that I shouldn't be worried about friends because there were more important things.

"It does! Luke is one of my best friends besides Brently and Olivia and they are family. At least if they had said that about Brently he wouldn't have believed it.. He would ask me and if I said no he would've told Kelly and Christy that they were just jealous. Olivia heard when Luke called me weird so she told him that the only thing weird is how he said he was my best friend and now he believes them. He got mad that she said that and told her that she can't call anyone weird because she's ugly! Olivia isn't ugly mama! So I told him he can't talk about her and he told me I was mad because I'm ugly to! Brently heard him and so he pushed Luke down and Luke cried because he got dirt on his pants. Brently got in trouble and Luke didn't even though he was talking about me and Olivia. I told the teacher and she said that talking is no reason to push and I know that and I even told Brently he shouldn't have done that but Luke should still be in trouble. I told Luke that I don't ever want to talk to him again because I don't need mean people like him near me when I have Olivia and Brently!" Jazmine finished her hands finally falling to her sides now that she was done talking.

"You are right pushing is not a good thing to do even when mean things are said and I'm glad you stuck up for your friends. Tonight everyone is coming over and I bet Olivia and Brently are just as upset as you are so maybe we can all talk about how to handle something like that just in case it happens again. Do you think that will be a good way to do things?" I ask Jazmine as a turn and look at her running my fingers through her hair as she nods at me smiling before saying, "Yes, ma'am."

"Alright, go ahead and do your homework so that when everyone gets here you can play okay. If you need any help just ask me or daddy." I tell her before sending her to the table with Ethan as I turn back towards the stove to start my dessert for the night, singing along to Best Song Ever as I do so. It seemed that even the thought of One Direction going on tour after all these years and after being married to Zayn was still enough to bring out the little directioner that was still living inside of me. 

As I cooked and listened to my old CD's I couldn't help but think of how things had changed over the past thirteen years if my pregnancy was included. I went from being a student just finishing high school hugely pregnant to having twins, getting engaged, getting married, having two more babies, becoming an auntie and even getting my bachelor's in Women and Gender studies and a minor in dance which was something I always wanted to do but things had changed and now my favorite thing was being a mom.
"Mama, everyone will be here soon!" Ethan said excitedly as he fixed himself some water snapping me out of my thoughts.

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